Chapter 12.

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No one's POV:

Win and Bright were on the way back from the hospital, Win driving while Bright scrolled through his phone, a calm song playing on the radio, they were in comfortable silence rather then an awkward one, "Metawin, can we stop at McDonald's?" Bright asked.

"Nope, you're still on meds" Win said, "God please, the food they served in the hospital was tasteless, one meal won't hurt, besides it's on me, you can order anything you want" Bright offered, "You don't have your wallet on you" Win smirked, "Fuck, I'll pay you back" the bad boy cursed, "It's cool, one meal only, okay? Win proclaimed.

They were sitting on the shore and the sun was shining brightly with their burgers in their hands as Win didn't wanna eat at the quiet condo, Bright asked "Do you not like living there?" while munching on some fries, "It's just too lifeless, and it's always quiet" Win answered, "Alright how bout we actually learn to enjoy by agreeing on some changes, or else the next 6 months won't go by easy" Bright suggested, and Win agreed.

"I want plants, lots of them" Win said first, "I wanna watch movies whenever we're both free" Bright offered next, "I want us to cook together" Win challenged "I want to take you on late night drives" Bright ordered, "I want us to talk to each other at the uni" Win responded, "I umm Rae" Bright started fumbling with words, "Oh my bad, forget I said that, I want to change some of the furniture" Win said not wanting to ruin the mood.

That's how they found themselves in a plant nursery, an hour later, Bright having no idea what was going on while Win took all these plants that were different shades of green and put them in the back seat of his Mercedes, Bright could have never guessed that Win loved plants this much. "What's your favourite flower?" He asked, "White roses" Win answered not even thinking twice, "I like dandelions" Bright said randomly even though Win never asked him as he was too busy, Bright wasn't even sure if Win heard him as he put 2 more plants in Bright's hands, he also didn't seem to notice the label "DANDELIONS" on the side of those pots.

The boys were cooking dinner after placing all the plants all over their condo, it looked much better and lively, Bright was mostly sitting on the kitchen countertop, doing the small tasks Win was assigning him while his husband did most of the cooking, they were laughing about Man's stupid speech at their wedding where he talked mostly about Win's younger brother Type, who he was crushing hard on when a bell rang.

It startled them both, the bell rarely rang and Win went to see who it was, as he opened the door, he was even more surprised. Before the person in front of him could say anything, he shouted "Bright, someone's here for you" "Coming" Bright yelled back as Win held the door, as Bright approached, he saw the person he dreaded to see, someone whose calls he had been ignoring all week.

"Who the fuck gave you this address, Rae?" He questioned her, glaring hard, "Why the fuck is he here?" She asked, completely ignoring his question but mirroring his glare "He lives here, with me" Bright answered with a smirk, knowing well it would set Rae on fire, Win was leaning on the wall beside the door, Rae couldn't see him there, but Bright had a full view of his lean body.

"What the fuck are you on Bright?" She said gritting her teeth, "We're married, I told you Rae, you ignored me, it's not my fault" he shrugged, "You're coming with me right now Bright, I don't want you around that faggot" Rae demanded, Win started to move but Bright held his arm and pulled him back, "I'm breaking up with you, Rae you're possessive and manipulative, I can't do this anymore, and I want to be with him without worrying about what you'll think, and if he's a faggot, then so am I, truth is, we're normal people Rae and you're just small minded" Bright lectured, Win was staring at him wide-eyed and Rae, well Rae was fuming with invisible hot air coming out of her ears.

"Is this that stupid, "it's not you, it's me" excuse you're giving me? She argued, "Oh no, not at all, I'm telling you clearly that's it's all you, none of it me, thank you very much, I hope you have a good day" Bright smiled falsely, as he was closing the door, a snicker came from inside and it made Bright smile and Rae much more angrier, he never smiles like that when he's with me she thought as she put her foot in the middle to prevent the door from shutting "I'll make his life a living hell" she warned, "You'll have to go through me first, he's got me wrapped around his finger Rae, there's no way you can get to him now" he snapped closing the door forcefully and loudly.

Win was standing there, just staring at Bright in awe, "Can I kiss you?" He mumbled still maintaining eye contact but stopping an inch away from Bright's face, "You don't have to ask twice, Win" Bright said. As their lips crashed, he tasted those compulsive lips for the second time, he felt blissful as he leaned in for more with Bright's arms holding his waist tight, and his grabbing at the latter's shirt, and Win never had never felt so lucky that he ever got to kiss those addictive pair of lips.

They parted and he whispered against Bright's lips "Did you mean everything you said back there?" "Every single word bunny" Bright whispered back, "And you... you said my name" Win stuttered, "I always say your name, what do you mean?" Bright asked confused, "Noooo you said Win" he answered and Bright chuckled, "I can call you whatever you want me to, alright?" He offered.

As they were both staring in each other's eyes, they simultaneously smelt something burning "OUR DINNER!" They shouted and ran to the kitchen.

Author's note:

@ok_hi_layla this one's for you, my favourite idiot in the whole wide world, I hope you all enjoy and look forward to more chaps.

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