the founder of diabolism Q: competing for favor

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"mmmm" the sound of nuri grumbling to herself was yet again heard

"um young miss, is something the problem you have been grumbling for the past half hour" lan xichen spoke up

"huh? oh yeah sorry it's just that the clip was lost so i didn't know how to find it" nuri said as she continued to swipe way at her device 

"you can't find it?" sizhui asked hopefully

"boi don't you dare get happy ah! look i found it" nuri smiled slyly as sizhui visually deflate

" yay i get to see my baby A-yuan again !" cheered wei ying as he hung off his husband's lap

"heheh okay guys eyes on the screen"

everyone then turned their attention to the screen

(ignore the opening please)

the scene opens to show wei wuxian as the yilling patriach standing near a potatoe basket along with little A-yuan looking rather board

"hey the potatos have sprouted, come down a bit" wei wuxian said to the vendor as A-yuan yawned showing his spaced teeth

"awww so cute sizhui" zizhen cooed at his friend causing him to sink down into his sit

a hand which seemed to belong to the vendor was then showed waving slowly at wei wuxain with all five fingers up

off to the side A-yuan was shown looking to his left at a few paper windmils as wei wuxian tried to bargin with the man "that's...that's so expensive. why don't you just rob me?"

"ohhh so that's why you got lost " wei ying grinned at his son

"i-" sizhui was speechless

"aww he got distracted by toys" jingyi teased his bestfriend

it was then showed when a-yuan got sparkles in his eyes when he let go of his mother's hand and ran off

"aiya a-yuan you gave my a heartattack that day" wei ying said as he held is chest in pain

"sorry xian-gege" sizhui apologized

"it's okay my little radish" wei ying  said as he patted his son's head

"forget it i'm not buying. your'e too unsrupulous" wei wuxian told the man, still not realizing the little boy has ran off "let's go a-yuan"

after getting no reaspones wei ying turned only to see nobody

"wow you really did give him a scare look how pale he become" a random lan junior said

"wei wuxian how can you not realize that he let go of your hand!?"shouted  jiang cheng

"to tell you the truth a-cheng i have no idea" wei ying sighed

wei wuxian was then shown looking around calling out for the missing boy "A-yuan! A-yuan! A-yuan! where is A-yuan!?" wei wuxian was panicking so much that he even checked to see if A-yuan was hinding in his sleves

"wei ying why would he be in your sleves?" as suprising as it was to every body lan zhan was the one who asked

"because a-yuan used to crawl up there to hide from A-ning when he was younger" 

wei wuxian's attention was then averted to a large group of people who were crowding around something where a familiar cry was coming from.  

"what's going on?"

"he's such a poor child"

"was he scolded by his father?"

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