tiktok #6

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"okay my little ones! Who's ready for some tiktoks!?" Nuri screamed excitingly hyping up the juniors

"We are!"

"Let's go!"

"My my my it seems meeting my boss freaked your seniors out guys" Nuri said as she observed said seniors who was staring out in a daze

"You guys good?"

"Ah yes we are Nuri it's just that it seems your boss has a sort of aura about her" xichen sighed as he snapped out of it

"Well she is the founder of the organization so"

"Wait you have never told us about your job kid" Jiang Cheng raised an eyebrow

"Okay first I am not a kid! I can be your mom! Second you guys never asked" she shrugged

"Well can you tell us? Before the tiktoks start?"

"Oh okay sure!" Nuri snapped her fingers making different snacks and drinks appear before everyone as she sat down

"So my boss, we don't know her real name and I don't know where the name we know her by comes from but everyone in the organization calls her 'Mama_Nora'"

Nuri started as everyone listens quietly

"She is the founder of 'double R'"

"Double R?"

"What's that?"

"It's headquarters double R the way we workers refer to headquarters, the cooperation name is actually the 'react and record company ' 'RR' or 'double R' for short"

"And what is double R for?"

"We basically group of people such as yourselves here to react to things that happened or is going to happen or is happening right now we usually do this for groups who the constellations deem finished to fast again such as yourselves "

"I'm sorry constellations?"

"Li-like the stars?"

"Um you could say, constellations are basically those who watched you guys like shows and our jobs is to bring those who's shows are done to react to thier journey "

"Why didn't you tell us that before when we asked?"

"Yeah you basically lies to us"

"Uh first of all I didn't lie I just didn't explain fully YOU guys made the assumptions "

"Now now everyone let her continue"

"Thank you xichen-ge anyways as I was saying so yeah right about now the constellations are watching"

She stared at the readers through the screen

"If any of you want to say hi just let me know and I will broadcast it to these guys" Nuri explained to the readers

"Well we understand about the constellations but why was you boss..." Sizhui trailed off not knowing how to word nicely

"Such a bitch?"


"Well she isn't usually like that, she is very sweet and funny but sometimes she experiences something we her staff likes to call 'down days' it's the days where she is down in the dumps and ANY little annoys her like she can fire you just because you question her, don't even mention when it's her time of the month she will fire you JUST because you blinked"



"So after years of experience we know the signs of her down days and those days becomes the days you MUST show her ABSOLUTE respect and physically lower your self.... well physically and emotionally "

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