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as nuri got up and yawned getting the attention of the occupants in the room without knowing she said out loud "wait a damn minute if they are done with the fanfiction what the hell am i gonna give them to react to?" 

she then got off her chair and walked towards her charging tablet STILL not feeling the eyes of everyone on her

"hm? oh 50%  mnnnn i guess i can show them a few memes hehehe this is gonna be fun" she giggled

"what are memes?" jingyi spoke up

"KYAH!" nuri screamed as she jumped 3ft into the air

"how did you jump so high?" 

"WHY DID YOU SCARE ME!?" she yelled at the boy after collecting her bearings

"i didn't mean to" jingyi laughed "im sorry"

"HMPH!" she huffed "i guess you guys are done with the fanfiction have you all got something to eat yet?"

"yes we have" xichen answered

"mn" nuri..mned " okay lets begin the-" she got cutt off by the rumble of her stomach

"sigh lets continue"

"young miss arn't you hungry" lan qiren spoke up for the first time

"mn? ah don't worry about that i don't feel like eating" nuri answered as she began to connect her tablet to the tv

"nuh uh" wei ying spoke up getting everybody's attention

"wei ying?" lan zhan asked quietly

wei wuxian got upo and walked towards the food table

"hmmm" he hummed as he finally chooses a bowl of cereal and a cup of orange juice and brought it to nuri

"here, i have no idea what that is but it's part liquid so it should sustain you for awhile, we haven't seen you eat anyting since you appeared so eat this" he said as he patted the stunned girl on her head and sat back down with his husband

"i-...thank you" nuri blushed gently

"young miss just eat up we will wait till you are done before we look at these 'memes' as you said" xichen said softly


"okay im done are you guys ready for the first meme?"

"uh yes"




"AHAHAHA OH POOR YOU" jiang cheng laughed out loud along with the juniors as wei ying and lan zhan blushed

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"AHAHAHA OH POOR YOU" jiang cheng laughed out loud along with the juniors as wei ying and lan zhan blushed

"*sigh* i have to admit that was a journey to getting those two blockheads together" xichen said with a long-suffering sigh

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