recalling memories together, onward we shall forever be one (FINAL CHAPTER)

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(note that I wrote this on December 31st at 9:30 but the night took me away so I never finished)

"Okee my Wonderful people!" Nuri yelled getting everybody's attention

"So I know this is our last time together so I wanted to make this special"

Hearing the topic being said the room suddenly became solemn

"Aww did you have to mention that's it's our last time?" A disciple pouted sadly

"Awww I'm sorry but yeah I did, anyways along with that it's also about to be new years in my era"

"What year?"


"Woah really?"

"You are from like....waaaaayyyyy into the Future "

"Yeah pretty much, anywho, the theme for this segment is!" Nuri clapped making the words

'Recalling memories together, onwards we shall forever be one'

On the tv with fireworks sparking in the back ground

"And for this one I will not be your host"

This got confusion out if everybody

"If not you then who jie? Nora?"

"Nope not me" a voice spoke up as Nora walked through a door that magically appeared out of no where

"Oh you're finally here" nuri smiles at him

"yup the guys are asleep, they need it after the angst you gave me for them"

Nuri giggled as Nora shook his head

"But wait if not nuri..."

"Or Nora..."

"Then who?"


The mysterious voice from before but this time more cheerful came as a familiar figure was seen still draped in her cloak

"Ah boss" nuri smiled at her

"Hi there meimei"

"...what the fuck"

"language shidi"

"Hahahah hey guys apologies for the bad mood from last time how about I officially introduce myself?"

With out taking off the cloak mama_nora smiled as she bowed in respect

"My name is mama_nora I am the boss of these two its a pleasure to make your acquaintances"

"Like wise maiden Nora"

"Hahaha no need for formalities master lan xichen just call me mama or if that is weird to you just call me nora-guniang"

"Ah likewise nora-guniang please refer to me as xichen only"

"Of course "

"Well now that that is over I will be the one hosting your last segment please have your seats and if you would like please get some food or drink"

"Ah we're good shijie I think they are to anxious about this than food "

"Oh okay welp eyes on the screen "

A list popped up on screen below the theme

1) TikTok
2) Selfmade content
3) Fan art
4) Official art
5) Video
6) Music video
7) 'TikTok'

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