The Final Showdown

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Izuku could feel his entire body aching, his right arm in particular was screaming at him. He could even feel his head pounding at him again from the explosion earlier.

At least, he would be if it wasn't for the large amount of adrenaline pulsing through his whole body. Instead, he stood tall, fists clenched and stance strong, with anger and determination present on his face. The only thing standing between Vanish and his potential escape was him and he was not going to let that happen.

"It ends now, huh?" The villain's voice echoed around the building menacingly. "If my memory serves me right, you said the same thing back when you first caught me. And yet, I still slipped away."

"Then, I still stick by that declaration!" Izuku suddenly saw movement on the top level, believing it to be a shadow. With that, he charged up 20% of his Quirk through his legs and leaped up towards the sighting, clenching his left hand for a punch.

"15% Detroit Smash!" His fist collided with the wall, causing smoke and debris to escape from the impact and making the selected area slightly hard to see.

"If you really want to prove a point, why hide then?" Izuku proclaimed, trying to draw the villain out.

"Why do you think so, hero?" He could suddenly hear his voice from behind, but before he could land a punch, Vanish got the upper hand, feeling a kick to his cheek and sending him back down to the ground floor.

"You think I want people to know I'm the one changing society? Ha, I'm not that vain." Izuku heard a thud on the ground, just as he got up on his feet, wiping off a bit of blood from his nose caused by the kick. "Some of the biggest changes are those done in the background. I would think heroes like you would understand the value of secret rescues, but alas, it's just another thing society has caused to heroes."

Izuku gritted his teeth before charging towards in the general direction he heard the thud, clenching his right hand and pushing past the increased stiffing from it as he tried to land another Detroit Smash at the same percentage as before. Unfortunately, the punch hit nothing and before he could react appropriately, he felt another kick, this time directly to his stomach, causing him to skid across the floor. He tried to get up, but the sudden pain in his abdomen brought him back down.

"Come on, Deku! Don't give up yet. I'm just getting started!" The taunting from Vanish continued and it took everything in Izuku to not react to them. Everything that had happened today was enough for him to send reckless attacks everywhere until one somehow hit, but he had to be smart. He had to think this through, otherwise Vanish would live up to his name, possibly never to be seen again if his word before stayed true.

"Come on, Izuku! Think!"

Flashes of the attendees came to mind, cheers and amazements turned to fear in an instant, running away from the explosion at the Hero Festival.

"You can't let him get away!"

A look of fear in Vulture's eyes, trying to keep the team away before another explosion erupted.

"You can't let them down."

The smile on Uraraka's face, no signs of regret whatsoever before the explosion caused the hole opened below her.

"I can't..." Izuku felt his eyes tearing up, causing him to shut them tight and bite his lower lip. All this while, he was feeling anger, but now the feeling of despair and sadness had finally caught up with him. He let out a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves before opening his eyes.

That was when he caught a glimpse of a shock of white hair from his peripheral. He then heard footsteps going around him, like someone was walking in a circle.

"Maybe this whole hero thing was not right for you. Clearly the pressure of it all, giving by society is having a toll on you. Think about it. I'm actually doing for a favour." Izuku just barely caught wind of Vanish's taunting as his eyes grew at the sight of a beam of light, where he saw the white hair. Looking up, he saw a gap in the roof. The sun had long since go down, but it was the bright moonlight causing the light.

"Light is his weakness." He suddenly remembered. "That's it!"

He got on his fours before slowly getting up on his feet. The adrenaline had started to die down, so his whole body and head was crying in pain, prompting him to grit his teeth, but nevertheless, using his knee, he stood up, swaying a bit to catch his footing.

"I... I worked too hard... to get to where I am." He began to say, panting and clenching his left hand again. "To be the hero... I wanted to be... since I was young." He grounded his feet as he backed up his arm. "To save people... and stop villains like you."

"One for All. 40%" The pink streaks of power wrapped around his arm.

"And that... was not society's choice. That was mine!" With the bright green glow in his eyes, he raised his arm high and punched the air as hard as he could.

"Texas... SMASH!!" Massive gushes of wind exploded from his arm, being sent up to the roof and causing it to crumble in an instant, sent away by the impact. Once the gust cleared, the whole ground was covered with the moonlight and lying on the other side of the building, having been blown away by the attack, the villain was now visible.

"Got you." A smile grew on Izuku's face as he charged right to Vanish, punching him in the face and then kicking him on his side before he got the chance to get up, sending him to the other side. He got up quickly, raising his leg for a kick, but Izuku was quicker, landing a fist to his face again and bringing him down to the ground. At last, he was gaining the upper hand and he wasn't going to waste it. He brought his fist down, but Vanish managed to roll out the way of the impact.

"Oh, you think you're so clever, huh?" Vanish grunted, losing his entire composure for the first time. "You think you've won?!" He swung his leg at Izuku, but instead, he used it to leap up to the air, where the previous standing roof was and only a single wooden support was now present. He landed there, using his hands to keep him in place.

"No matter what, I always find a way to win." Izuku exclaimed, looking straight at Vanish, whose face was filled with rage. "I always save others. Because that's what a hero does. Something you'll never understand!" He charged One for All to his legs and pushed them against the beam, sending him down and breaking it in the process.

"I've been holding back this whole time, not wanting to seriously injure him. Like a villain would..." As he fell back down, he arched his right leg high in front of him. "But to stop him once and for all, I have to do anything I can. For everyone!"

"One for All. 30%" His leg pulsed with energy as the view of Vanish grew below, the look from anger to shook being the last thing he saw.

"One blow. To end it all! Manchester... SMASH!!" The heel of his foot landed right at the junction of his neck, causing a shock wave and clouds of dust to form from the impact, erupting the whole area. Afterwards, the area turned silent, with only the heavy panting from Izuku adding any sound. Soon, the dust cleared, revealing a dent on the ground and a very unconscious villain on top. Izuku didn't waste any time in grabbing a rope in his utility belt and wrapping it around Vanish's hands and tying him on a large support beam, slumped directly under the moonlight.

The villain was taken down. It was finally over. But Izuku couldn't celebrate, as once he made sure he was secured with no means of escaping, he ran up to the hole made by the explosion earlier.

"Please be OK. Please be OK..." He took a long deep breath before jumping in.

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