Still Friends

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Izuku watched as the light orange sky slowly turned darker, with the clouds changing as well. He was leaning up against a wall, watching the citizens walking down the path in front of him, chatting and laughing with one another. The path had overhead lights that started to illuminate to composite the approaching evening, along with stalls of food and drinks and games that aligned the path. The path would then widened at the end, leading up to an ancient temple where people could entered.

There were a couple of people who recognised Izuku, waving at him, to which he gladly returned. Not many people were bombarding him with permissions for photos and autographs, though he knew, in the back of his mind, that will indeed happen once he becomes the number one hero. 

He had a feeling the reason was that they thought he was on patrol. But whatever the reason was, he didn't mind. If it allowed him to spend an hour with his friends, he'll take it.

The festival was a lot fun, as he was able to play a few stall games like shoot the duck and try out the food. He was surprised to learn that Vulture had not ate a tayaki in a long time, enjoying seeing his reaction to the taste. He wasn't surprised though, that Uraraka was still a fan of mochi, buying about three boxes of four at a stand. Vulture made a comment about how they always seemed to surprise him, which earned him a laugh from Uraraka.

That laugh. Izuku could still hear it so clear in his mind. He thought he could never hear that again. This whole trip – how she easily made friends with Vulture, how she didn't hesitate to tell Vulture about their time at U.A. Even if it meant she had to expose him.

You mean he's always been a fanboy?

Yep! Especially with All Might. He's probably the biggest All Might fanboy I've ever met. You should have seen his dorm room, all filled with All Might posters.

Oh! Is that why you never let me see your bedroom when I come to visit?

Izuku was pretty sure Vulture was now going to use those newfound information, that he had tried to hide, against him now, and he would have told Uraraka not to give him any more info ammo.

Only he couldn't bring himself. He wanted to continue to hear her voice. A voice full of passion and heart. To hear the laugh that could light up the whole place.

He knew he missed her, but being around her only confirmed that. But being around her also resumed the guilt he had about the last time they were together.

Her tears. His useless attempt to stop her. For breaking her heart.

He couldn't bring himself to talk to her about it, though she didn't bring it up as well, still acting like it never happened. But even so, he could feel the slight dark air between them. He knew he needed to fix it. To clear things up, but he couldn't.

Which was why when Vulture suggested they go to the temple, he lied, saying he wanted to find a specific stall and that he would wait for them afterwards. He couldn't be around her for any longer as the guilt only increased. He sighed as he looked up at the slowly darkening sky, closing his eyes.

"Mummy, look! It's Deku!" He smiled at the voice of a young fan, but he didn't move from his position.

"I have to fix it. I have to talk to her about it, otherwise it will never go away. But, how can I...?"

His train of thought stopped as he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and turned his head to see Uraraka standing next to him.

"Oh, hi." He said. She smiled as she gave him a little wave, carrying a small bag in her hand.

"Hey. Were you thinking about something?" He felt his face warming up as he scratched the back of his head, looking away slightly, which was enough to make her chuckle. "Sorry. It's just that you had that thinking face on."

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