What Happened That Night

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Izuku stared out of the taxi window, watching the scenery pass him by as his eyes skimmed past each building and every person. Normally, he wouldn't take the taxi to places, preferring to take the public transport. However, today his morning patrol with Vulture had went over their initial time since they had to help with a sudden bank robbery in the area. Fearing they would be late, Vulture suggested they hire a taxi to get there. With no other options, Izuku agreed. But even with the sudden hectic morning, he couldn't help the smile on his face.

Today was the day - his patrol at the Hero Festival. Possibly his biggest patrol yet. A chance to fully demonstrate the skills he had been developing since U.A. To defend and protect people from villains trying to disturb the peace. Above all else, he got the chance to patrol along with friends. With friends from U.A. and especially with...

Izuku felt his cheeks warming up from thinking about her again. He turned his head further towards the window, hoping he wouldn't get noticed. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself from the sudden fluster of feelings.

Ever since he reconnected with Uraraka, and especially since his talk with Toshinori, he only had to think about her to become a stuttering mess. He honestly felt like a hopeless romantic when he does, which was something he never thought would happen to him. Yet here he was, once again, wondering whether he could make it work. If he could be in a relationship with her. But every time he thought he could, he had his doubts. The doubt that his hero work would get in the way, ruining that chance.

"Hey, they got a new attraction." Izuku's thoughts were interrupted by the familiar voice beside him. Feeling his face was no longer hot, he turned around, facing Vulture, who was sitting next to him, holding and reading a leaflet about the Hero Festival.

"What do you mean?" He questioned. Vulture then showed him the leaflet, pointing to a circus-like tent.

"They're doing some sort of stunt performance to celebrate heroes." He explained as Izuku's eyes lit up. Vulture extended his arm, handing him the leaflet. Reading through it, he read more on the new stunt performance, as well as all the regular attraction showing in the festival, including the well televised Hero Parade.

"Hey, who knows, maybe one of us could be patrolling there." Vulture added, noticing him eyeing at the parade section.

"Really? That would be awesome!" He exclaimed.

"Whoa, hold yourself there, fanboy." Vulture joked, which made the two laugh. Then, Izuku felt his phone vibrating and the quiet ringtone playing. He went into his hero costume pocket to pull out his phone and answering the call, not looking at caller ID before he did.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey, Deku!" He didn't have time to hide the streak of deep red that emerged across his cheeks as he heard Uraraka's chipper reply over the phone.

"Should have checked the ID." He reprimanded himself before replying. "H-Hey, Uraraka. How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. How are you?"

"I'm alright." Thankfully, the red on his face started to disappear as he continued to talk.

"That's good. Just wondering where you are."

"Oh, I'm in a taxi with Vulture, heading there now."

"Taxi? That doesn't sound like something you would do." She chuckled, which caused him to rub the back of his head.

"Yeah, that's true. It's just that our patrol ended lately than usual, so we had to take a taxi so that we're not late." He explained.

"Oh, that makes sense. Anyways, I'm already at the venue, along with Iida and Mina."

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