The Hero Parade

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Quick note: Hey guys! Sorry for the lateness of this chapter. I honestly was having trouble writing the chapter, which could happen for other chapters. But know that I have full attention to finish this story. Anyways, thank you for waiting and I hope you enjoy :)

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Izuku could hear the crackle of his lightning against his ears, flowing through his body and the wind cutting through his hair as he jumped from building to building. Having done this way of travel for a long time, he barely had to touch the building to gather the momentum needed to travel fast. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Vulture gliding through the sky with his large black wings flapping occasionally to keep himself up in the sky.

The two continued to run, jump and fly towards their destination, finally arriving at the final building. Izuku skidded across the roof of the tall building, easily coming to a stop and turning off his Quirk in the process. Vulture joined not soon after, still keeping his wings active as they both walked up to the edge, looking down the event below them.

There was a main, long road, which was occupied with lots of colourful parade floats, all decorated extravagantly to represent many known pro heroes of society. They are lined up and travelling down the road, along with dancers dressed as heroes and music bands performing as they walked down the pathway. Enthusiastic fans took up the spaces on each side of the road, clapping, cheering and waving at the attraction taking place in front of them. The entire atmosphere was as lively as ever, which only made Izuku feel more anxious about the possibility of it all turning into worry and fear.

"Look like the parade's already in full swing." Vulture commented.

"Yeah..." Izuku simply answered, keeping his attention on the parade and finding any possible place Vanish could be hiding. Just the thought of him doing unthinkable things to innocent attendees churred his stomach, but that was driving him to do what he can as a protector to society.

"There's not much alleyways for him to hide at." Izuku mentioned, now facing Vulture.

"Yeah, and the parade is far from dark." Vulture added. "But still..." He squinted his eyes, finding to find anything himself.

"Let's head down to get a better look." Izuku suggested. Vulture agreed and the two headed down the building they were on, with Izuku quickly sliding down the side of it with the aid of One for All and Vulture flying down. Once they reached the bottom, he retreated his wings, transforming them back to his arms and headed into the parade. Izuku was about to follow, but his instincts told him to turn around, which he did.

Behind him was an alleyway, but unlike the one before, it was brightly lit, accompanied with decorations on the sides.

"No way he's hiding here." He thought, satisfied nothing out of the ordinary was there and ran to catch up with Vulture, where the music and cheers of the crowds were at its loudest.

"I think we should split up." Vulture suggested, having to talk a bit louder to compact the surrounding noise.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." Izuku agreed. "I can take the left while you can get take the right."

"Actually, I was thinking about taking the sky." Vulture pointed up to emphasise his point. "I can cover more ground from high up. You can take the left, like you said, and then when Uravity gets here, she can take the right."

"OK. I can go with that." Izuku nodded in agreement. He began to head down the parade when Vulture grabbed his shoulder, stopping him in his track.

"Whoa! Slow down there. You're panicking." Vulture informed him.

"R-Right. Sorry." Izuku said, ducking his head slightly.

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