Chapter 7

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a/n: hey, its been a while

The next morning, I wake up before Aaron and decide to make us breakfast. I don't have much in my fridge, but I figure he won't be able to tell the difference between frozen and homemade waffles.

Apparently, I was being too loud in the kitchen, because a grumpy Aaron was walking through the door in his underwear, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. I take a moment to admire his muscled figure and luckily he doesn't notice my staring.

"Morning," he says with a raspy voice.

"Hi," I smile, "I made us breakfast."

I take the waffles out of the toaster with my wooden tongs and put two on each plate. I slide the bottle of syrup and the butter across the counter to where he sits on the stool. He catches the butter but misses the syrup and the cold bottle ends up hitting his bare chest, making him squeak in surprise.

"Fuck off," he mutters in response to my laughter.

I slide onto the stool next to him and we begin to eat in comfortable silence. Aaron finishes his food before I did and he rests his head on my shoulder while he waits for me. He twirls my hair around his finger and rubs his hand over my thigh absentmindedly, causing goosebumps to break out over my skin.

"Do you have any plans for today?" I ask around a mouthful of food.

"I'm gonna visit my family," he says, but he doesn't sound particularly excited.

I know about Aaron's relationship, or lack thereof, with his father. He pressured Aaron into going to law school in hopes he will work at and eventually take over the family firm. Aaron fought his father on this decision for years, but he eventually gave in.

"What's the occasion?"

"My mom wants me to help move boxes from the attic. I'm not sure why they need my help, Sean is taller than she is now," he chuckles fondly.

Aaron doesn't bring his brother up much. They're so far apart in age and with Aaron being away at school most of the time, they don't have much in common. Aaron sees a lot of himself in his brother and I can tell that worries him.

"She probably just misses. Maybe a phone call to her once in a while could save you a trip," I tease.

"I'm not saying I don't miss her, I'd just prefer to not get lectured by my father about my terrible life choices," he says, rolling his eyes.

I offer him a sad smile as I lean my head on his shoulder. He rests his chin on the top of my head and holds me close.

"I should probably get going. I don't think my mom would like it if I came into her house smelling like sex," he jokes.

With a disappointed whine, I move away from him to let him up. He disappears into my bedroom and returns with his jeans, t-shirt, and jacket. Instead of getting dressed in the bathroom like a normal person, he pulls on his pants in the middle of my kitchen.

"What? I thought I'd give you one last show," he laughs at my playful eye roll.

"I'm kicking you out," I say, getting up from my stool and pushing him towards the door.

He pulls open the door, then he turns around and leans on the doorframe with a cocky smirk.

"Will I be welcomed back tomorrow?"

"Maybe if you bring a slice of pie from your mom," I grin as I shut the door in his face.

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