Chapter Twelve

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2nd Person POV

"Why'd you post that picture and not only that, why'd you tag Tommy in it? Him and I are not even on speaking terms at the moment," you say as he slams his locker shut. You jump slightly at the sound, you still don't like loud sounds or fast movements and him slamming the locker met both your senses.

"You guys haven't been talking? I'm so sorry. I know that you guys were close, it must be hard," Oliver said, pulling you into a hug. You let out a deep breath.

"It's been rough he's one of my closest friends and he's not talking to me, I don't even know why he's not talking to me, he just stopped," you sniffle out.

"It's going to be okay, Y/N, I'm sure he'll come around. On the bright side, though, we can spend more time together," Oliver says, pulling back, he's holding your arms and you look up to meet his deep brown eyes.

"Yeah, that would be fun... I have a thing to do after school but tomorrow I'd be down to hang," you say, taking a step back from him. You take a deep breath in and not before turning on your heel and you head to class.

You try to get the boys of your life out of your head during class in hopes of passing. But for some reason, your mind kept drifting towards a certain blonde (that's for you to decide, : ) they're both blondes). You shook your head as the bell rung and realized that you hadn't taken any notes due to her thoughts being filled with a certain boy. (no thoughts just blonde boy).

You sigh and pack your things before heading to your next class, berating yourself for not paying attention, especially after you noticed the teacher had announced an upcoming test on the material.

Later at lunch, a girl with shoulder-length red hair takes a seat beside you, you raise an eyebrow, most people don't talk to you.

"Hi, I'm Delilah," she says with a bright smile.

"Hi, Delilah, I'm-"

"You're Tubbo's cousin, I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner," she said, opening up her lunch pack.

"Well, my name is Y/N."

"Of course it is, but I have some questions," She said, grabbing your arm as you try to open your  lunch.

"Umm well actually.."

"Is Tubbo always as wholesome as he is on stream? Is Tommy always like how he is on stream or is he faking? Oh! Have you seen Dream's face? Are Wilbur and Nikki dating? Is Jsclatt actually a dick?" You start to drown her out a bit and just start eating your lunch just acting like you were paying attention. That was until one question caught your attention. "Is it true that Tommy has a crush on you? Cuz like we've all seen how he reacts to you? Ooooh! Are you guys dating? Also since we're friends now can I join you guys on the Dream SMP?"

"Delilah, did you only come over here to ask me about my friends?"

"What no!" She exclaims, scrunching her eyebrows. "I came over here because we are friends and I want to sit with my friend."

"Delilah, I've never talked to you before today, and I'm gonna guess it has something to do with Toby-"


"dropping me off, see you just proved my point," you sigh. At least she wasn't being nice to you just to get to your friends.

"But his name is Tubbo why wouldn't you call him that?"

"I've never once called Toby Tubbo because it just felt weird."

"You're friends with some of the most well-known people out there and what are you doing with it? You're wasting your opportunity," she shouts, you flinch in surprise, you weren't expecting her to be that loud. "If I were in your position, I would be dating Tommy and I would be famous. You're so ungrateful!" she finished before getting up and stomping away angrily.

Tubbo's Cousin~ Tommy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now