Chapter Twenty

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2nd Person POV

The next morning, you get ready for school. When you're ready to go, you run up the stairs, grab your skateboard and then run back down the stairs before skating off to school. You decide that you wanted some time to yourself to calm yourself and think through your thoughts.

You play a chill playlist, skate down the street, and zone out a bit. As you get up to school you zone back in time to feel yourself following off your skateboard. Apparently, your wheel had caught a crack in the pavement, you were preparing to hit the ground but you felt arms wrap around you as you're about to fall.

"Hey, Beautiful," Oliver greets.

"Hey, Ollie, sorry about this," you say a smile spreading across your face.

"It's no problem, I've got you in my arms, and that's all I really need," he flirts with a smirk.

"Oh ummm..." you say, taking a step back.

"Sorry," he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh you're fine, I'm just thinking about something, deep and thought and all," you mutter, kicking up your board. You guys walk in together talking quietly about whatever came to mind. You wave bye to Oliver and head to your first class.

During a break, you were walking to your next class when you were grabbed by the arm and dragged into a nearby classroom.

"What the hell!" you shout as the door is slammed behind you and whoever was dragging you.

Tommy POV

I woke up to see that she had hung up, but she left me a text saying that she had to get ready of school and that she would talk with me later. I smile as I get ready for college (equivalent to high school, Y/N calls it high school cuz she's from that side of the world and shit), I give my mum a kiss goodbye as I run out the door to catch my bus, a pep in my step. I was happy to be around Y/N again and couldn't wait to speak with her more. I'm in such a good mood that I don't even get frustrated with the blonde clingy girl when she starts her routine of trying to get my attention. I have to hand it to her though, she's persistent.

I felt like I was on cloud nine all day and I couldn't help that as I started my stream after school. I tried to put on my depressing persona for the lore and the Chat. I was doing okay until she joined the game.

<Honey_Bee joined the game>

<Honey_Bee whispers to you:> left u a note in ur mailbox

<You whisper to Honey_Bee:> ill check in a bit

<You whisper to Honey_Bee:> are you joining lore

<Honey_Bee whispers to you:> chat will have to wait and see

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face at the thought of Y/N joining and talking with me even if it was for lore. That was until Dream dm'd me.


you have to stop simping

it's gonna ruin the immersion

fuck u

im no simp

Y/Ns not coming to keep u company

i am

just remember its all acting

let's have some fun

you can talk to ur gf after

ill be depressed i

promise just let her come


youre not denying shes

ur gf

shut up

i have to stream

you green bastard

"Sorry, Chat, it was my editor, cause you know I'm a Youtuber first," I mutter, putting on my depressive persona. Not too long after, Dream joins along with him he brings the manipulation and angst. (canon dream is a dickhead not irl so no hate on him).

After the stream, I Facetime Y/N. She's sitting at her computer working on something, I don't bother questioning it because if it was something important, or she wanted me to know, she would tell me.

"Hi, woman," I greet a soft smile, spreading across my face as I start doing my homework, damn she even made doing homework bearable.

"Hi, child," she says, smiling brightly, looking away from her monitor.

"How was your day?" he asks, moving on from the child comment.

"It was weird..." she starts, remembering her day.

2nd Person POV

You had looked up as the door closed to see Delilah standing there. You notice that she looks more disheveled than normal, her clothes were out of the ordinary and her normal bright red roots were start to grow out revealing dirty blonde hair below.

"You already have my brother, you don't have to take my boyfriend," she pleads.

"What do you mean your boyfriend?" you ask, scrunching your eyebrows, trying to think of any guys you've talked to recently at school. You couldn't think of any though, just Oliver.

"Tommy, who else would I be talking about?" She asks, exasperated.

"Didn't realize you guys were dying," you admit with an eye roll.

Tommy's POV

"So yeah weird to say the least," she mutters, her eyes shifting away from the camera back to her monitor.

"She's not my girlfriend, she used to have a major crush on me when we went to the same college, she even dyed her hair red when she found out that it's part of my brand," I reminisce. "Even though my all-time favourite colour is blue though, she's more of a stan than anything close to being a friend."

"Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of her either," She says, taking a deep breath. "The first day she decided to talk to me was after Toby dropped me off at school, and when she approached me she spent all of lunch going on and on about the Minecraft community and their creators. I'm only nice to her because Oliver is a good friend of mine and I don't want things to be awkward between us."

"Understandable, but there's something I need to tell you..." I start only to be cut off by a knock on the door. Y/N stands up and opens it to reveal Tubbo.

"You guys need to stop simping..." he whines. "My chat won't stop asking for Y/N and Tommy content and there's only so many times I can see Y/Ninnit before I put Chat on money mode."

"But I didn't talk to Tommy on stream today," she mutters.

"Well this is where I say goodnight," I say quickly with a wave goodbye. I can see her face contort into a look of confusion as I rush to hang up but I don't think I could hand the teasing if I stuck around.


[Words 1,106]

dealing with things, I like my privacy so I won't mention what the things are, it's just gonna be a delay in posting, have a good day/night

Exile Arc pog? What's Delilah and Oliver's deal? Why is he acting so confident? I wonder what's going on in that pretty little head of yours, two blondes? What to do?

Tubbo's Cousin~ Tommy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now