Chapter Seventeen

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Wattpad reading time: 11 Minutes


2nd Person POV

The next morning you were filled with giddy excitement. You're nervous though, you haven't been on a date since you had broken up with your boyfriend when you moved from Canada after your parents' death.

You are in a really good mood, you dance around the kitchen as you prepare your breakfast. "What's got you in such a good mood?" Toby mutters, rubbing his eyes as he makes it down the stairs and enters the kitchen.

"I'm sorry for waking you up," you say with a smile. "Oliver asked me out last night, we're going to dinner tonight."

"I thought you liked Tommy?" He says with a yawn and a stretch.

"Wh... what?" you stutter out, blushing.

"I thought you liked Tommy? You guys seemed really close," Toby asks, taking a seat at the island.

"Why would you say that? He doesn't like me like that and we haven't been talking, plus I wouldn't want to mess up your friendship or my friendship with him either," you explain, a slight frown forming on your face.

"Sounds like excuses to me, but you have fun with... Oliver is it? He seems nice enough, I guess."

"Thanks, Toby, can you give me a ride to school, I'm running a bit late," you explain, grabbing your backpack off the ground, throwing your lunch in the bag, and zipping it up.

"Sure, let me grab the keys," he says, standing up. He puts on his shoes and you follow him out the door.

Your mood had been slightly dampened by what Toby had said. It also leads your mind down, a train of thoughts you were hoping to avoid.

If Tommy liked you then why was he ignoring you...

"We're here," Toby says, poking your shoulder as you guys pull up to your school.

"Ah.. thanks," you say, collecting your thoughts and your backpack.

"Don't take what I said too much to heart, ya?" Toby says. "Also do you need a ride home?"

"No, I think I'm going to walk," you mutter, getting out of the car. You enter school and head to your locker.

"Hey, don't worry your pretty face," Oliver says, coming up behind you, he pulls you into a hug as he speaks.

"Huh, sorry I was thinking about something," you say, patting his back.

"I'm excited about our date," he mutters into your hair.

"I am too," you say, forcing a smile, your mind was still on Toby's words about Tommy and your feelings.

You spend the rest of your day in classes thinking about the two blonde boys in your life, thinking over your feelings. You just had to get through your classes and your date. Just last night, you had been excited about your date. 

Now you just had a sense of dread because you had been originally trying to push down your feelings for Tommy in fear of rejection and fear of ruining the friendship you had established with him and the friendship that he and Toby had. But now that you had Toby's blessing and hope of your feelings reciprocated you couldn't help but wonder what your life could be like if you confessed your feelings to Tommy.

You couldn't help but feel confused about your situation. You walked home with nothing but the sounds of the town and your thoughts.

When you got home you quickly did your homework, knowing you wouldn't have time after dinner and the lore. After you're finished you take a shower and get ready for your dinner date with Oliver. He told you to wear something casual so you throw on an off-the-shoulder white flowy shirt, with light high-waisted jeans. (ik still pretty basic : / but I don't really care lol). You let your hair flow naturally and put on light makeup.

Tubbo's Cousin~ Tommy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now