Chapter Twenty-Two

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Tommy POV

The weeks start to go by and before I knew it, it was New Years' and I was on my way to Tubbo's house to spend New Year's with him, his family, and her.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of hanging out with them. The only thing that made me scowl as I was pulling up was the blonde already waiting by the door.

"Oliver," I nod, my nose scrunched.

"Child," I roll my eyes, at least I had tried to be pleasant.

"Don't be a rude bitch," I say as the door opens to reveal Tubbo.

"Big Man!" He smiles, pulling me into a hug. "Y/N is asleep can you go wake her up? She wanted a nap before the party."

"Sounds like her," I mutter with a smile.

"I think she's taking lessons from Goggy or something," Tubbo laughs, letting both me and Oliver into the house.

"I mean she hasn't slept through lore yet so I don't think we're at Goggy level yet," I laugh as I head past Tubbo up the stairs.

I smile as I found her door. I open in and see her curled up under her blanket. I walk over and kiss her forehead. "Hey, Love, it's time to wake up the parties due to start soon," I say as I brush her hair out of her face. She grabs my hand and gives my knuckles a kiss.

"Hey, Toms," she says a bright smile spread across her face as she pulls me down in a hug. "How was your drive down?" she mutters sleepily into the crook of my neck. The brush of her breath making me blush bright pink.

"Hey, Love, it was a good drive," I mutter into the crook of her neck. I lean up to look at her face which was flushed bright pink which probably mirrored my face. "The party's starting soon."

"Ok, I have to get changed but I'll be down in a bit," She says as she throws off her covers. I smile at her slightly disheveled but comfortable look. I brush a bit of hair out of her face, which earned me a scowl before I turn around and leave her room. I head towards Tubbo's room to avoid Oliver.

God, I don't even know what she sees in him.

2nd Person POV

There's a knock on your door as you zip up your skirt. You're wearing a high waist pencil above the knee sparkly skirt with a black off-the-shoulder. (To that one person who said my outfits were lame, is this better?) You turn to see Oliver standing in your ajar door. You smile and greet him as he gasps.

"Woah, hey, Beautiful," he says, stepping into the room.

"Hey, Ollie," you smile, putting on your worn vans.

"Just came to see if you were ready," He says nonchalantly, pulling you into a hug.

"Almost, I just have to brush my hair," you say, grabbing the brush off your bureau.

"Can... can I do it?"

"I, I would rather do it myself," you admit, heading to the open door.

"I bet if it was Thomas asking you'd say yes," Oliver mutters, making you raise an eyebrow before heading down the hall to the bathroom. 

You step into the bathroom and brush out your hair, you pull out your curler and you let it heat up on the sink, you pull two pieces from the front and pull the rest into a low bun. When your curler is warm enough you curl the two front two pieces. You put on some lip gloss and mascara as you wait for the curler to cool down so you can put it away. You hum to yourself as you put your stuff away.

Tubbo's Cousin~ Tommy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now