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     Simon and I showed up at the Bridgerton residence as promised at 7 p.m. With an armful of books, we were escorted into a main setting area to wait as dinner was being readied. I stepped in to see an array of Bridgertons with a variety of ages. I immediately went up to Eliose disregarding the normal introductions which received a scoff from the eldest child, I say child because that is exactly how he acts.

    "Books as promised Eloise. I picked some of my favorites to give to you." Her eyes lit up as I gently placed the large stack of books on the table beside her.

Her joy turned to confusion and she looked up at me with a furrowed brow. "Give to me? Do you mean I can keep these?"

"Of course. I can easily replace them if I see fit and you need them more than I do." I lowered my voice so only she could hear me "From what I observed from your brother at least a higher education would most likely not be permitted for you. So if you seek one I have ways that could be achievable." I winked and turned to the other Bridgertons. They were looking at me with bewilderment, with the exception of one look of disgust, which I assume you can figure out who that's from.

Simon was shaking his head with a chuckle as I sent a challenging look towards Anthony. I turned to the rest of the Bridgertons with a warm smile.

"It's so lovely to meet you all. Pardon my lack of introduction but I had to fulfil a promise. Now please indulge me with your names. I heard they were in alphabetical order, how fun." The rest of the time before dinner was spent with introductions. I was introduced to Mrs. Bridgerton who ushered us into the dining room where we sat down to begin eating.

"So Ella, when do you expect to marry? Are you looking during this social season?" Anthony scoffed loudly from across the table.

"I don't believe I will marry this social season. Or at least I do not plan to do so anytime soon." With a grumble I added "Or as far as I can help, ever" Her eyes slightly widened but she quickly disguised it returning to her normal expression.

"You can do that?" Eloise said "You can just choose not to marry?" I turned towards her and laughed.

"I can yes, I have a high enough status and income that I could seek a higher education." The table silenced as Eloise stared at me with admiration.

"Do you believe that to be a respectable life for a woman? What good will an education do to bare children and be a suitable wife?"

With a tight smile I turned my gaze onto Anthony "Well since that is not something I wish to do I haven't thought of it at all." The table silenced and Eloise looked down towards her lap and bit back a smile.

The conversation shifted into the unknown identity of a Lady Whistledown. I listened with a small smile as the family debated people and impossibilities of the women's identification.

At the end of the evening, as Simon bid farewell to Anthony and Daphne I had a moment alone with Eloise. I pulled her aside so we were out of range of the many Bridgerton children.

"If you wish to seek a higher education or at least have-" I paused as a ladies maid passed by giving her a smile. "Or at least have access to resources to do so I can help you. Come by my home tomorrow morning and we can discuss such affairs." Her smile widened and she looked at me with pure joy. I smiled back and went to walk away but quickly turned back, "Though best keep this between you and I. Or at least unknown to Lord bridgerton." I winked and joined Simon who was standing by the door thanking Lady Bridgerton. We stepped out into the crisp evening and I shivered slightly at the change in temperature.

"That was a lovely evening, did you enjoy yourself Ella?" He asked as we stepped into the carriage.

I smiled and responded, "Yes, I suppose I have a purpose here after all."


Sorry for the long break I'm still in school and my mental health is not it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!

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