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For the next 2 weeks, like clockwork, Eloise would come over and study for 3 hours before returning home. I’d give her books to read on the days she wasn’t with me. Eloise was a dedicated worker and as she became more comfortable she would speak more freely. She talked about her anger towards society, her mother, Anthony, and Daphne. The more she talked the closer you became. By the end of the third week you had become very good friends despite your slight age difference. Eloise was 17 years old and you were 22, but Eloise was wise beyond her age and she was easy to talk to. Your sudden closeness hadn’t gone unnoticed by those close to you. And nothing went unnoticed by Lady Whistledown, she wrote several articles suggesting your friendship and spoke unfondly of it. Eloise would shoot theories of who she was towards you which you would debunk. It was during one of these conversations you had an idea. 
“What about Penelope Fetherington?” Eloise scoffed “What? Is that so far-fetched?”
She laughed before answering, “No, I happen to be very good friends with Penelope and if she was Lady Whistledown she surely would have told me.”
“But perhaps that friendship is exactly what makes her a good theory. I assume you tell her a lot of your family affairs.” She absentmindedly nodded, lost in thought “So she would have the gossip from the Fetherington and Bridgerton households as well as whatever she hears through servants, mothers, or other girls.” Eloise remained quiet, obviously lost in thought considering my proposal. I glanced at the clock and my eyes widened slightly, realizing we had lost track of time. 
“Whoever Lady Whistledown is, she does not deserve our limited time.” I pulled a stack of books off of the desk and handed it to Eloise while ushering her to stand up. “We’ll have to try to remain focused next time, but for now you should be on your way home before-” I was cut short as a woman, probably around the age of 16,  peeked into the room obviously looking for me. She looked slightly spooked before laughing lightly and speaking.
“I was sent to check on you. I was told to let you know that they’re ready.” I smiled and gave a small thanks before herding Eloise towards the front door. 
“I’ll see you in 2 days time yes?” I turned back, moving her quickly past my basement door and out of the house. She nodded and left with a quick thank you. I closed the door and quickly made my way down the steps, closing the large oak doors behind me. Candles were lit around the concrete room. Previously it was a wine cellar but had been cleared out and redecorated shortly after I moved in. Now a table was placed in the middle with maps and scribbled notes. 
“Shall we begin?”

Eloise and I finished our studies early so we talked over a cup of tea. 
“My brother Colin returns from his tour today. So if it is not too much trouble could we cancel our next study. I believe I’ll have some family activity to join upon his return.” 
“Of course. Family is a beautiful thing, and you are lucky to have such a close one.” She seemed to relax, obviously nervous to ask such a question. 
“If you’d like, Simon is coming over for dinner again tonight  and you're welcome to join. I mean I would like it if you joined.” She was obviously nervous, I just smiled.
“I would love to” She sighed in relief, “Besides, I’ll get to meet another Bridgerton, hopefully better than your oldest brother.” With a wink she stood and made her way out of the house. I laughed and picked up the books holding them foreword as she came back in a dark blush spread on her cheeks. She quickly grabbed them before making her way back out and towards home. 

I approached the house holding a pie, I had chosen to walk, finding the fresh air and cool breeze of summer nights relaxing. I reached the steps just as Simon's carriage pulled up. I turned around leaning on the handrail. He stepped Simon and raised his eyebrows while shaking his head, he knew not to question my decisions, unfortunately Daphne did not. She pulled open the door with an excited smile higgung me quickly before greeting Simon. We walked up the steps before Daphne turned to me. 
“Where is your carriage? Did they leave?” Simon let out a low chuckle
I smiled kindly as Daphne just looked confused, “I walked” I brushed past them and entered the home. Daphne looked shocked while Simon just continued shaking his head at me.  The doors were opened and I let Simon and Daphne pass before following behind them. 
We quickly sat at the dinner table and I noticed the extra Bridgerton boy. He looked to be about my age, maybe a year older. I was sat between Eloise and Simon with Colin and Anthony across from me. Daphne, Simon, Anthony, and Lady Bridgerton were in a conversation. Eloise and I were talking quietly to each other before Colin interrupted.
“You seem quite close with my sister. How did you meet?” I brought my eyes up to meet his, and smiled.
“I spent several summers with Simon and Lady Danbury growing up. I have come to enjoy the social season and we met at a ball I attended with Simon. We have since grown closer. My book suggestions fueling the fire of our friendship.” Eloise laughed and I smiled at her. Colin smiled between us as Anthony turned his attention to our conversation with a scowl. 
“Are you looking for a husband this social season? Or simply just enjoying the summer.”
I opened my mouth to answer before Anthony interrupted me, “Oh no brother haven't you heard, she will not marry.” My smile dropped and the table silenced. 
“Are you that enthralled with my life decisions that you can’t stop telling everyone.” I let out a hollow laugh before continuing, “Is it because I’m probably smarter than you? Or perhaps it’s my higher title?” Colin and Eloise stifled back laughter. I kept a glare on him as he opened his mouth to answer before closing it again. “That's what I thought.” I turned my attention back to Colin plastering a smile back onto my face “I do not wish to marry anytime soon. And your brother seems to have an odd obsession with it.” The table silenced before Eloise started laughing loudly. Everyone's eyes turned to her and Lady Bridgerton looked terribly uncomfortable. She turned to Simon and talked quietly to him but not enough for me to miss. 
“I apologize Anthony is-” Her voice faded out as she searched for the proper word, before Simon cut in.
“Don’t worry, I’ve learned over the years not to argue with Ellas life decisions. You will always lose, and will often be embarrassed or scared in the process.” Lady Bridgerton let out an uncomfortable laugh before returning to her meal. I shared light conversation with all of the Bridgertons, except for Anthony.  Soon the meal was over and Lady Bridgerton escorted us out. 
“I’m so glad you both could join us. And Ella, the pie was fantastic. You simply must have your cook send the recipe over.” She gave me a kind smile
“Oh my cook didn’t make it, I did.” Her smile dropped and her eyes widened. “In any case, I should be getting home.” Simon thanked her and grabbed my arm pulling me towards his carriage. He told the driver quickly to drop me off and pushed me into the carriage. 
“No need to shove Simon, I’m perfectly capable of-”
“I know Ella but you need to stop this.” My brows furrowed . “When you're with people close to you it is fine to act the way you do but you're embarrassing yourself. You're not in America, you can’t question a man like that or you are going to get yourself in trouble. I can’t protect you forever.” I stared at him blankly.
“I didn’t come here to enjoy myself, Simon. I came here for my own reasons” He opened his mouth to question, “Ones that you will not know. If I wished to have a respectable social life, Of course I wouldn’t act like this. Despite what you might think I am not the little girl I used to be anymore. Now I thank you for our concern but how I act is my business.” We pulled up to my house and the door opened. I stepped out, thanked the driver and made my way back inside. I only hoped that Lady Whistledown wouldn’t write about tonight, because no matter what front I put up, I did not wish to draw unnecessary attention to myself. I didn’t need people watching me.

I am well aware the timeline of this makes zero sense. Sorry :). Hope you like it or whatever. Idk I'm just surprised anyone read it. Oh yeah sorry for the six month break. My brains playing tricks on me.

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