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         I hitched up my skirt before mounting my horse, earning a weird look from a passerby. I wouldn't usually choose to attend these sorts of events, everything was too old fashioned for my taste. The dance cards, tight corsets, and giant dresses one could barely walk in all seemed grossly impractical. Nonetheless I would show up on Lady Danburys request, and of course with my own motives. Eloise should theoretically be there, but one never truly knows. I turned a corner quickly and my horse spooked. I clung on as my horse reared before turning and taking off. I looked back and saw Anthony Bridgerton chasing after me. With a roll of my eyes I urged my horse to go faster trying to lose him. He caught up and reached over to grab the reins but I stopped quickly surprising him and causing him to go tumbling to the ground. I slowed my horse and started laughing loudly before dismounting and walking over to him. While still laughing I offered him my hand which he swatted away with a huff. He scrambled to his feet and brushed his clothes off while snatching his horse's reins which I had picked up.

       "Are you alright?" I said, still giggling, "Looked like a hard fall." He rolled his eyes and stomped off to which I quickly followed.

      "I tried to help you, I can't imagine why you're laughing." He grumbled

       I fell into step with him, grinning widely "I had it completely under control, I didn't require your assistance. I did appreciate the show though"

     He stopped abruptly and turned towards me. "Maybe if you were paying attention and not focusing on whatever person you're off whoring around with your horse wouldn't have spooked." My smile dropped and he began walking off. I stayed facing the empty spot he used to stand. I remounted my horse and turned to head back towards my house. I heard a scoff and mumbling behind me before Anthony walked up, his horse falling into step with mine.

     "This isn't the way to the ball." I ignored him, keeping my eyes glued forward, "Ella. Ella" He said louder, speeding up to stop his horse in front of mine.

     I finally looked at him, "I'm not feeling well, please send my regards to Lady Danbury" I moved my horse around his and continued towards my house. I heard another groan before his horse once again fell into step with mine. We rode in silence, with my eyes glued forward. I could see him glancing over at me every couple of seconds, but I continued to ride in silence.

"I'm sorry, okay. I didn't mean to offend you."

I scoffed "Yes you did"

      He sighed, "I didn't think before saying it. I don't think that about you." I rolled my eyes and stopped turning to him as he stopped too.

     "I don't care what you think of me, I hope you don't. But to be blunt it should not matter what I decide to do with anyone else. Nobody cares who you spend your night with, and I don't know why anyone should care for me." I urged my horse forward and he followed.

     "You have to know that those are completely different. You can't actually believe those are comparable" I threw a glare over my shoulder and turned into my house stable.

     " Why can't it be? Do you genuinely believe that this is the world we should live in? That this is the best us as a society can be? Women are so much more than that and you and the rest of the small minded men running our country can't continue to believe that." I dismounted and tied my horse to the post as he did the same.

     "You're infuriating. When will people just be satisfied?" I scoffed and began taking my horses tack off. Anthony stepped closer "you shouldn't be doing that, let me help"

"No I'm fine i can do it myself"

"Let me help that's probably heavy" he reached trying to grab the saddle out of my hand

"I said I had it" I exclaimed, shoving him back. He stepped close again as I was swinging the saddle down, it struck him in the face" He groaned and I quickly dropped the saddle and moved to help him.

     "I'm sorry I didn't mean to." grabbed his wrist moving his hand away from his eye. "Let me see" I grabbed his face, angling it up towards the light. I inspected his eye, noticing a large red spot forming. "It'll probably hurt." I realized how close we were and looked in his eyes. He was studying my face, he glanced quickly at my lips before returning his attention to my eyes. He leaned in slightly as I did the same. We were inches from each other, I watched his eyes slowly flutter shut and lean in further. Right before our lips brushed someone cleared their throat and we shot away from each other.

     I looked up to see Lady Danbury standing at the end of the stable with her eyebrows raised. Anthony was still sitting on the ground and I was kneeling in front of him, though significantly further apart. "I came to check if you were all right since you hadn't shown up, but obviously you're occupied." She smirked and slowly retreated. "I'll leave you to it, Ella we'll talk tomorrow" She walked out with both of us watching. Anthony quickly scrambled to his feet and took a couple steps back.

     He cleared his throat and addressed me avoiding eye contact, "I should probably leave before my family starts to worry." I stared at him nodding slowly.

     "Would you like something cold to put on your eye?" I questioned, still feeling guilty for striking him. He raked a hand through his hair. I could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he glanced around, still avoiding my eye.

     He finally met my gaze and we stood staring at each other for several moments until he finally whispered. "I don't know if that's the best idea" I nodded before casting my gaze down and shuffling uncomfortably.

     "Yes well," I cleared my throat "I suppose you should be on your way then" I turned to walk into my house. Right before I went in I turned back to look at him. He was still standing in the same place but had turned his head and was watching me. After a couple seconds I finally walked in and closed the door behind me, and rested my head on the cold wood. What. Just. Happened. 

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