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Ms.Danbury sent for me early the next morning and I slowly made my way over, dreading the conversation to come. Instead of riding horseback, I decided to walk, giving me time to clear my head. I'm not sure what happened or why yesterday, I'd like to say it was a momentary lapse of judgment but it wasn't. I wanted to kiss Anthony Birdgerton, but morally I couldn't. He was a misogynistic, self-absorbed, prick who didn't deserve my time nor my energy. Though I can't ignore the fact that I'm lonely, I moved across an ocean, with barely any connections. Simon has been wonderful but he's off galavanting his dukeness. I have my books but I'm sure Anthony would insist I give them up if I pursued anything.

What am I talking about?

I don't want to pursue anything. I can't. It goes against everything I stand for, or at least what it means. I will never be someone's property, I won't do it. I've spent my life encouraging other women to break out of the chokehold of expectations. I can't betray their trust by turning around and courting a man who stands for everything I'm against.

Lost in my thought I suddenly step into a large hole and feel a sharp pain in my ankle. I don't feel the bottom of the hole and am about thigh deep, leaving me essentially helpless. It's early and the promenade is empty besides a few servants carrying baskets of food. I desperately grasp at the ground attempting to heave myself up out of the hole. My ankle is still throbbing and is bent at a strange ankle, potentially broken though the adrenaline I'm feeling has numbed the pain. I hear a horse approaching quickly and cover my head fearing they'll run straight over me. I hear the horse stop and someone places their hands on my waist and roughly yanks me out. I'm left sitting on the ground panting as I turn to see none other than Anthony Bridgerton standing over me. Hes breathing heavily and kneels grabbing my arms,

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He moves his hand to my cheeks turning my head side to side inspecting for injuries.

"I'm fine Anthony. Just a little fall, nothing to worry about." I brush his hands off my and he clears his throat and stands up. He offers me his hand which I take thankfully. As soon as I'm on my feet my left ankle buckles and I let out a little shriek from the sharp pain that is shooting up my leg. I fall straight into his chest and he quickly wraps his arms around me, saving me from my second fall of the day.

"What is it? Is it your ankle?" I nod wincing as I try to apply weight again. "Don't lean on it, I'll take you to a doctor" I yank away at his declaration shaking my head.

"No, I'm fine. I'll just go to Ms.Danburys house, she's already expecting me."

"You need a doctor Ella, your ankle could be broken and leaving it untreated will worsen it."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't be dramatic Anthony, I can already feel it getting better." He looked at me, seeing straight through my lie. Though I'd rather be in pain for a couple weeks then go to a doctor. My fathers doctor had promised he would get better, he looked me in the eyes and promised. My father died the next day, and though I know that doesn't damn him, let alone all doctors. I haven't been able to trust or even see a doctor since. I certainly won't start for something as miniscule as a sprained ankle.

Anthony sighs and then wraps his arms around my waist throwing me over his shoulder. I scream and cling to his arms desperately.

"Anthony! Put me down this instance!"

"If you refuse to see a doctor I certainly won't let you hobble your way to Ms.Dansburys estate on your own." I sigh as I feel him begin to lower me, as we are now next to his horse. He slides me down his front, hands still placed on my waist. As I find my balance, still on one leg, I stare into his eyes. Our faces are mere inches apart now and I can see his breath pick up as he realizes it. We inch closer still holding eye contact, his hands slightly tightening their hold. We hear a horse approaching quickly and jump apart, almost falling due to the quick movement. I catch myself on Anthony's horse gripping the reins and steady myself, Anthony clears his throat and shakes his head softly to himself. The horse rides passed, with nothing more than a curious glance towards Anthony and I.

"Right well, we should go before Ms.Danbury before she begins to worry." I turn back to him as he speaks. I nod and take my place next to the horse's saddle. He ghosts his hands over my waist as I place my hands, one gripping the reins and the other holding the back of the saddle. He keeps his hands barely touching me as I begin attempting to haul myself onto the horse.

"I'm not going to be able to do it on my own, so if you insist on taking me, at least help me onto this horse." I grumble towards him. He finally takes a firm grip and pushed me onto the horse before jumping on front of me.

"Hold on Ella '' I hesitantly wrap my arms around his waist and he pulls my arms tighter before urging his horse on. Despite my still throbbing ankle and racing heart, I can't deny how right my arms feel around him. 

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