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The next ball was in a beautiful outdoor setting. With lights lining the sky; I was quite taken by the sight of them turning on. I spent most of the evening dancing and laughing with Simon. I saw the Daphne girl from last night and made my way over since we never got fully introduced.

"Hello, I'm so sorry to disturb you but I don't think I ever properly introduced myself. I'm Ella Basset." I smiled and stuck out my hand but quickly retracted it when I realized women don't shake hands over here.

She gave me a strange look but shook it off "I'm, well I introduced myself last night."

"Yes, Yes you did." I smiled

"So, I've never seen you here before. I know your American but why are you here now?"

"I spent quite a lot of summers here in my youth with my cousin Simon."

"Simon? The duke?" I laughed

"Yes I suppose that's him. Though I-"

I was interrupted by the man from last night, who I now believe is Daphne's brother, who whisked her away. They had a quick conversation and she stormed away. I walked towards her brother as he watched her walk into the garden.

"Well it seems as though that didn't go well" I said with a laugh

"Mind your place and don't speak like that to your superiors." He said

"Superior? Superior." I said with a laugh "And pray tell what would make you my superior. I obviously have better manners, I have a greater title, Probably more money, and as good of an education as any egotistical male like yourself. So tell me what would you be superior at Lord Bridgerton."

He looked at me with astonishment and anger. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner. How do you ever expect to find a husband with such a big mouth?"

"I don't expect to find a husband. Thanks to my title and inheritance I don't have to marry. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to have a conversation with someone who won't hold themselves over others." I walked away leaving his speechless. The rest of the night was filled with dancing among boring and sometimes annoying men. Until Simon and Daphne entered and danced together 3 times. Quite the crazy spectacle, I just can't beli- *Yawn*. Sorry I bored myself with trying to pay attention to these social blahs. I returned home but left soon after for tonight's meeting. 


Hey! Thanks for reading. 10 people read this! That is insane. Sorry for the kinda short chapter I'm going to update again today. I'll try for twice a day. Also I'm still not sure who I want the love interest to be. I was thing of doing a GirlxGirl with Eloise. Or an Enemy to lover with Anthony. If you have a preference let me know or another idea, I'm open to anything. Thanks so much for reading!

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