Chapter 31

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After Jared left me at the mansion, I called an Uber and barely made it to the penthouse, my head spinning from how nervous I was. 

The conversation I had with Liza left me tossing and turning all night. 

Would Harry really keep it a secret? 

Or was he playing me? 

Or maybe he didn't really care?


I punched my pillow in irritation and let out a loud sigh. 

"You need to calm down," I muttered to myself. "He probably doesn't even remember that conversation."

I laid back down and closed my eyes. 

Just as I was drifting to sleep, a loud bang jolted me awake. 

"What the hell!"

Jumping out of bed, I ran to the door and opened it slowly. 

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. 

I quietly stepped out to the hallway and peered down the stairs. 

The lights were on in the living room but no one was there. 

Was it Jared?

I mean it's close to 2 am, who else would it be?

"Jared?" I called out. 

No response.

I ran down the steps and entered the living room to find an antique vase shattered on the floor. 

I bent down to examine the pieces. 

This must've been the noise.

"What do you mean he's back?"

Jared's distant voice startled me. 

I dropped the piece I was holding and turned around. 

Jared wasn't in sight but his voice was near. 

I heard a heavy sigh. "Do you know where he is now?"

Was someone here with him?

"My mothers house?" I head him question. "That's not possible. I was literally there a few hours ago. He wasn't there."

His voice started to get closer. 

I stood up and looked around to find him coming out of his office, a phone held to his ear. 

He immediately noticed me, a frown forming on his face now. 

"Yes. Let me know of his whereabouts. Bye."

He hung up and pocketed his phone. 

He then glanced my way, the frown never leaving his face. 

"We have to talk," he instantly said.

"I just came down because of the noise. Did you break the vase?" I asked, pointing to the floor.

He shook his head and took a seat on the couch. "Thats's not important right now."

"Then I'm going to go back to sleep," I replied with a stern tone. 

He stared at me suspiciously. "Did someone come over after I left?"

I knew what he was trying to ask. He must've found out about Harry. 

But he left me so I wasn't going to give him the answer he wanted.

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