Chapter 20

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It was 7 pm.

I was currently at the Cunning mansion, snacking on some goldfish I found in the kitchen. It was raining hard outside so I figured it would be best to stay indoors and watch a movie.

Turning on the tv, I plopped down on the couch and switched through channels absentmindedly.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my daze.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal no other than Liza. She was wearing navy shorts with a white t-shirt, holding a bucket of popcorn in her hand.

"What's up Liz!" I exclaimed, gesturing with my hands for her to come and sit on the couch.

She gave me a smile and closed the door. "Nothing much. I just figured I would come down here and try to convince you to watch a movie with me."

"Great idea. What do you want to watch?"

She came over to the couch and snatched the remote out of my hand. "Let's watch a horror movie. Wanna watch Halloween?"

I grabbed the popcorn out of her hand and leaned into the couch. "Sure. I've missed Micheal Myers."

"Yay!" Liza squealed. She went to turn off the lights and then hopped on the seat beside me.

I played the movie and we sat there in the dark, screaming and eating popcorn.

An hour into the movie, there was a knock at the door. The sudden noise made Liza scream, making her spill my goldfish that was in my hand.

"Dear god, that scared me!" Liza said, grabbing the remote and pausing the movie.

"Yeah same. I'll go check who it is."

Getting up from my comfy seating position, I reluctantly went to answer the door without turning on the lights.

Another loud knock came at the door.

"Calm down, I'm coming," I groaned.

When I reached the door, I opened it slightly and peaked outside. But before I could even see who it was, the door was pushed into my face, making me lose my balance and fall on the floor. The person on the other side of the door busted in, leaving me in a state of panic.

"Liza run!" I yelled, trying to stand up and see who it was.

"What!" Liza shouted from the other side of the room. "What's happening?"

"There's an intruder in the room!" I yelled back.

The lights were still off and I couldn't see my surroundings.

When I had finally stood up, the sound of clothes ruffling was heard. Then the lights turned on, revealing the intruder.

"That's no intruder!" Liza yelled, holding her chest in relief.

The supposed intruder was only Jared. He looked mad. His clothes were drenched. His hair was splayed across his forehead, almost covering his eyes.

"Are you two insane or something?" he asked, shrugging his coat off and hanging it on the coat rack. "Why would I be an intruder. No one else other than me has access to this part of the house."

"You barged in without saying who you were. What else was I supposed to think!" I replied, giving him a stern look.

He rolled his eyes at my response and started unbuttoning his shirt. "It's freezing out there. I'm drenched from head to toe."

I looked away and headed to the kitchen to make some hot tea for him.

"And why the hell were the lights off?" I heard him say as I entered the kitchen and grabbed a cup.

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