Chapter 24

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Lots of blood.

In the foyer, a massive amount of blood pooled beneath our feet.

"Jared?" I questioned in alert.

"I have no idea what's going on," he said in a serious tone. "But I have a guess."

A guess is better than nothing.

He slowly made his way to the living room and then saw something.

And then he ran towards it.

I followed, my heels clicking loudly on the marble flooring.

"Jared, what is it-"

My words were caught in my throat.

On the couch was a half naked women who looked maybe 15 years older than me, lying upside down with blood all over her face and body.

"Oh my god!" I gasped in horror. "Who is she?! What's she doing here?!"

Jared looked over at me and sighed. "My guess was correct. This is my birth mother, Beth."

What the fuck!

"Huh? Beth? Like crazy Beth that took a gun and escaped?!" I asked hysterically.

He was frustrated. He nodded his head and asked me to call an ambulance.

Once I did, Jared positioned her upright and threw a towel over her body.

"What happened to her?" I asked, edging closer to her.

"I think she stabbed herself in multiple areas."

"But why?"

He looked up at me blankly. "Because she's crazy."

I think that's a solid enough reason but a few things still don't add up.

"How did she find you?"

He ruffled his hair and drew out a loud breath. "Her father is a high ranking politician. He was even Senator ten years ago. He's very well known. And he supplies her with the information she needs."

"Does her father know she's like... crazy?"

"No. She's good at hiding it. Her crazy behavior makes her manipulative. Her father falls for it."

Small details were adding up now.

"How old is she? For being your mother, she looks super young," I said, admiring her curly, light brown hair. It was the same as Jared's.

"She had me at 16. So I think she's like 34."

Woah. She has two teenagers and she's only 34!

"She was a minor when she and your dad-"

"Yeah. I told you, she was in high school."

"So wait, remember back when you said people were out to get us. Were you talking about Beth's father?"

He sighed and nodded his head. "He's a dirty politician. He's dangerous and has secret gangs all around Providence. When he found out what my father did with her, he has wanted my father dead. Even Beth's children."

I was shocked at the revelation of this new information. "Why would he want his own grandchildren dead?"

"Because he can't publicly claim us remember. My father is married to Amelia. So in the worlds eyes, we are not Beth's. So basically, we mean nothing to him."

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