Chapter 2

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I pulled into the driveway to find the Mercedes Benz and Range Rover gone. I parked my car in the garage and slammed the door shut in frustration.

Grabbing my bag, I stormed into the mansion, a scowl on my face.

The house keeper, Linda, appeared in the foyer, a look of worry on her face.

"Miss Julie, what is the matter? You seem angry."

"Where are my parents Linda? I thought they would be home by now," I said, dropping my things on a nearby table.

"Oh, I thought you knew!" she said in surprise.

Confused, I turned towards her. "Knew what?"

"An emergency occurred in New York regarding an investor. Your parents left a few hours ago"

"What! No one told me anything! When are they coming back?" I questioned in anger.

"In a few days miss. Would you like some lunch?" she asked with a small smile on her face.

Huffing in annoyance, I declined her offer and ran up to my room.

Kicking my door open, I dropped my bag on the desk and jumped on the bed.

"Great! Just great."

Sighing, I went to take a shower and freshened up.

Exiting the rest room, I found a sandwich left on the desk with a note from Linda.

"I know you're hungry. Please eat"

"Oh Linda, you're such a sweetheart."

Smiling, I ate my lunch and started my homework.

Taking six AP classes was hell and by the time I was finished, it was 2 in the morning.

Without even changing into my pajamas, I fell asleep at my desk.


"Miss Julie?"


I could hear my name but the voice was distant.

"Miss Hart?"

There it was again.

Several taps on my shoulder jolted me awake.

Looking around, I found Linda hovering over me, a tray filled with fruits in her hand.

"Linda?" I said groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"Miss Julie, here is your breakfast. I called your name but you never answered. I apologize for entering your room," she said, placing the tray on my desk.

Rubbing my eyes for the last time, I could see her clearer. "It's fine Linda."

Stretching my arms, I placed a raspberry in my mouth. "By the way, what time is it?" I asked, placing more fruit in my mouth.

"9 in the morning miss."

"9 in the morning," I repeated, idly eating.

Wait a second.

"9 in the morning? 9 IN THE MORNING?" I yelled in realization. "School started an hour ago! I'm late Linda!"

Linda looked at me in surprise as I quickly jumped up and ran into the bathroom.

When I had dressed in my black skinny jeans and wore my white blouse and maroon blazer, I quickly packed my bags and raced down the stairs into the garage.

Linda handed me my lunch as I ran out and wished me a good day.

What a lovely Polish woman.

I got in the car, opened the garage doors, and zoomed out towards school, blasting Pink Floyd as I drove over the speed limit.

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