Chapter 1

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Carson's POV

He brought the cigarette to his lips, inhaling deeply. The bell rang signalling the start of the school day and he watched as everyone rushed towards the main doors of the crumbling building, pushing past people who were also running late. He exhaled slowly, finishing his cigarette before making his way towards the entrance. He made his way down the now empty hallways, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

He strolled into class, feeling the eyes of his peers on him as he made his way to his usual seat in the back, right in front of the window. He felt the sun warm his skin through the leather material of his jacket, sighing in contentment. Despite being a few weeks into fall, the weather was still nice and he wanted to make the most of it. He dug out his phone, shooting a text to his friend to meet him at the skatepark after school.

"Mr. Parker," he looked up at the sound of his name. His teacher was glaring at him, bushy brows drawn down in a frown. "Is there something on your phone more interesting than my lesson?"

He knew this was where he was supposed to say 'no sir' and 'sorry sir.' But he was never good at doing what he was supposed to do. "Quite frankly, I'm sure anything would be more interesting than your lecture."

That earned him a few laughs from the front of the room, however, his teacher was not amused. "Office. Now." He supposed not everyone could have a good sense of humour and that he was just lucky enough to have been blessed with one himself.

He stood up, slinging his bag over his shoulder before exiting the classroom. He didn't care for math anyway. He had better things to do with his time than learn useless equations. He also couldn't be bothered to go to the office because come on. Who actually went where the teacher sent them? Being kicked out of class was the same as being excused in his books.

He went straight outside, lighting a cigarette as he leaned back against the brick building, tilting his head back to expose his face to the sun. That's when the sound of tires screeching against the pavement interrupted his peace and his eyes flicked open to focus on a silver mercedes pulling into the school parking lot.

Four men got out that he recognized right away. The first was Killian Cortez, star quarterback and biggest douche to walk the earth. He had chestnut hair and brown eyes, a tall lean build with muscles peeking through the thin material of his shirt. The next was Reese Gillian, the cornerback. He had long curly dark hair that framed his face, hazel eyes and deep skin tone. The third, Angel Williams, the linebacker with fair skin and fair hair and freckles that ran across his button nose. And finally, there was the captain. Ben Marshall. He was taller than the rest of them even though they were all pretty tall in the six foot area. He had golden hair framing his face, not quite long enough to touch his shoulders yet, along with bright green eyes framed by thick golden lashes, and sun-kissed skin from hours spent out in the field every weekend. As if sensing his gaze, their eyes met. He refused to let himself be intimidated and brought his cigarette to his lips once again. His friend, Killian, noticed their staring contest and a smirk broke his features before he marched over to where Carson stood, the others following along like obedient puppies.

"You know, if you wanted to kill yourself, there are faster ways of doing it." Snickered Killian as he approached.

"If you want to mind your business, there's better places to do it."

The smirk left Killian's face in an instant and he came over, smacking the cigarette from Carson's lips. A tick formed in Carson's jaw, the only sign of his annoyance.

"You probably think you're so smart." Said Killian, looking at him in disgust.

"I don't think, I know I am." He grinned. He really didn't know when to shut up because the next thing he knew, his head was being knocked back from the force of Killian's fist as it collided with his jaw. By the time he knew what was happening, Angel and Reese were holding him by the arms so he couldn't fight back as Killian threw punch after punch, some hitting his face, others in his stomach.

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