Chapter 4

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Carson's POV

It was a cloudy day as it has been for the past few days. No storm yet but it would be coming soon. Carson traded out his signature leather jacket for something a little more rain appropriate in case it did decide to rain before he got back home. 

He took out a cigarette on his way to school, using it to calm his nerves. His mind had been racing all weekend with thoughts of Killian and the kiss. But no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't think of any possible explanation as to why. Maybe he thought it would be a good way to annoy him? But even that was a far fetched idea if Carson ever had one.

Arriving at the school, he had no more time to think on it and he put out his cigarette before going inside.


The day went by without incident until lunch.

He was stepping outside for lunch when he saw Killian getting out of the same silver mercedes that Ben dropped them off in last week. Killian's eyes met his and his features twisted into one of disgust. "There he is."

"Oh great," he mumbled. "What now?"

He couldn't help but notice Ben giving him an indistinguishable look. 

This time, Killian stood back while Reese and Angel approached him, Reese giving him a shove back. "We heard what you did." He sneered. 

"Please do enlighten me." He replied.

"Don't play dumb," Angel gave him another shove. His fists clenched at his sides, desperate to teach them a lesson but not wanting to risk getting expelled. "Killian told us what you did to him."

"What I- What?"

"Don't act stupid." Killian snapped. "I ran into you the other day and you came onto me."

He couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up. "Oh you've got to be kidding me."

"What's so funny?" Reese sneered.

"What's funny? You mean aside from the fact that your friend over there is so insecure that he had to tell this bullshit lie?"

Killian's hands were around his throat, cutting off his air. If he could breath, he would laugh but instead, he clawed at Killian's arms, trying to pry them from his throat. "Shut your filthy lying mouth." He growled. 

His lungs ached and he was desperately trying to get Killian to let go. He was starting to feel light headed and-

"That's enough. Let him go." Ben shoved Killian off of him and he collapsed to the ground, choking as he tried to fill his lungs with air. Killian stood there, shaking with rage. Reese patted him on the shoulder, urging him to calm down.

"Get him out of here," Ben ordered.

Killian didn't object as Angel and Reese led him away. 

"You okay?" Asked Ben once they were gone.

"Fine," he rasped. 

"Here, let me-"


Ben's hand paused in mid-air before slowly lowering to his side. "Did you really-"

"Why not? Your friends seem to think I did and I'm sure by the end of today the whole school will."

Ben made a noise of distress. "That's not what I'm asking."

"Then what are you asking?"

"I want the truth."

"What makes you think I'll give it to you?"

"Because I'm trying to understand whether you're actually what people say you are or if there's a person under all of that poor attitude."

Carson shrugged. "Guess I'm just a poor attitude."

"Why do you want people to think the worst of you?"

"Maybe because I am the worst."

"I don't think you are."

Carson had no reply for that and when a moment passed and he didn't respond, Ben left because the bell had already rung. Wouldn't want the golden boy to be late for his class. Carson, however, was no mood for school after almost being killed, call him dramatic, so he went home and took a much needed nap. 


"Is this good?" 

"Yeah, thanks," he took the twenty dollar bill from Noah and handed him the weed. 

"I'm sorry about Killian. I didn't know he would do that. He was different when we went to school together."

"It's all good," Carson shrugged.

"I've got to get back to the hospital now. I'll see you around."

Carson nodded, watching his friend go. He looked at the twenty in his hand. It wouldn't get him much in terms of groceries but at least it would last him a couple meals at McDonald's. 

Almost as soon as he walked through the doors, he spotted Ben at the cash, placing an order. He got in line behind him, hoping he wouldn't turn around and notice-


He nodded, not knowing what to say to- What would he consider Ben? They weren't exactly enemies but they weren't friends either. Friendemy? No, that sounded too much like middle school. 

"What are you doing here?"

He gave him a deadpan look. "I wonder what I could possibly be doing at a fast food place."

Ben gave him a look. "I'm just trying to be friendly."


"I honestly don't know at this point." He went to walk away, having already gotten his food. Carson didn't know what possessed him but before Ben could leave, he called out. "Wait!"

Ben turned around, raising an eyebrow. 

"Did you- Do you want to sit with me?" He immediately cursed himself for asking. He probably sounded like an idiot. Of course Ben wouldn't want to sit with him-


He blinked, not sure if he heard him right. 

"I'll go grab us a seat while you order your food."

And that was how, ten minutes later, he was seated across from Ben Marshall in a booth at McDonald's. He was so hungry that he dug into his food right away. When he looked up after he was done, he noticed that Ben had yet to take a bite of his burger. Ben blinked at him before a smile slowly made its way to his face. "You've got something on your-" He pointed to his cheek. 

Carson wiped his hand across his mouth only for Ben to laugh. "You missed it."

He frowned, trying again. 

"Here, let me-" Ben reached across the table, using a napkin to wipe the sauce stuck to the corner of his mouth. Carson froze, heart beating wildly in his chest. But Ben didn't seem to notice as he sat back in his seat, dipping a fry in the little cup of ketchup before popping it in his mouth. After a few moments of silence, Carson realized it probably wasn't the best idea to invite Ben to sit with him. The two of them didn't really have anything to talk about and he was starting to feel awkward. He took out his phone, scrolling through instagram without really looking at his feed, just needing to occupy his hands with something. 

"I should get going," Ben said once he was done. 

Carson nodded, still feeling like an idiot for asking him to sit in the first place.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" 

"Yeah, see you." 

He watched Ben go, mentally kicking himself. That was the most pointless thing he had ever done and for what? It's not like him and Ben would ever become friends. The guy was probably talking to him to dispel any awkwardness in the meetings he was being forced to attend. Someone like Ben wouldn't consider being friends with someone like Carson. They were from two different worlds. 

Worlds that weren't meant to become one. 

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