Chapter 12

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Carson's POV

The day of the bake sale had finally arrived. 

He was dreading it the whole bus ride there. He wasn't sure who all was going to be there, probably the members of the football team. Killian hadn't come back to school but he was still hoping he would show up at the bake sale.

He saw it right away when he arrived. The posters Ben ended up making by himself, the tables laid out filled with treats that Meena and her grandmother had made. Sky was standing behind one, taking people's money while Emmet was sitting off to the side playing his guitar. 

And like he expected, Reese and Angel were there sticking prices to the last of the treats. Ben was greeting people as they came, explaining the cause and answering people's questions. No sign of Killian. 

As soon as he stepped off the bus, Ben's eyes looked up. Their eyes met for the briefest of seconds before the golden boy looked away.  He told himself he didn't care. He already knew Ben and him would never have worked out. 

He was questioning what he was even doing there when he saw Meena say something to Reese before making her way over to him. "Hey!" She greeted. "I'm glad you decided to come."

"I don't know why I did. You guys seem to have it under control."

"You can help Sky hand back people's change. The principal's going to show up today to see your progress, so look like a changed man." She winked at him before going back to the others.

And of course, that's when the principal pulled up in her black BMW.


He watched the principal walk over to Ben as he was handing someone back their change. They spoke quickly and Ben's eyes flashed over to his. He knew they were talking about him and it both pissed him off and filled him with anxiety. 

Finally, the principal left Ben to make her way over to him. He took a deep breath in through his nose. He wasn't sure what he was expecting honestly but it wasn't the smile that appeared on her lips. "I see you've been making out well with the club." She said.

"Uh, yeah?" It sounded more like a question. 

"Ben has kept me updated on your progress. He even told me you made all these posters by yourself."

"He did?"

Sky coughed. He glanced down at her but she was focused on dealing with the customers.

"I'm proud of you, Carson Parker. Considering your progress, you will no longer be expelled."

"Do I still have to attend the meetings?" 

"You sure as hell do." The principal turned around in surprise to see Meena marching over. "We want you to stay with us." She said.

"But- Why? I barely did anything."

"Yet. Stay, work on the next project with us. Don't do it because you have to, do it because you like spending time with us."

"Whose to say I do?" At Meena's stunned expression he smirked and she wacked him on the arm.  The truth was, he did enjoy attending the meetings. He liked Meena and Sky and Emmett. The question was Ben.

"Well," said the princial. "You're no longer obligated to attend but you're certainly welcome to go if you wish. I hope you do. This group seems to have improved you and it looks like you made some friends." With that, she left them to carry out the bake sale.

It went by fairly quickly. They ended up selling all the treats within a couple of hours. Currently, Carson was helping them pack up. Somehow, he got stuck with Ben carrying a table back inside. The golden haired boy refused to speak to him, not that Carson was putting any effort into it himself. 

Finally, the golden boy spoke. "I just want to know why?"

"Why what?" He sighed.

"Why my best friend?"

Carson rolled his eyes. "First of all, we weren't dating. We still aren't. It wouldn't have worked between us anyway. Your parents hate me, you can't even bring me to your house. How did you think that was going to work?"

"My parents would have come around eventually."

"Oh yeah, like they came around for your sister?"

"How did you-"

It wasn't hard to spot the golden boy's sister, they could have been twins if not for the two year difference. He saw her around the school, always with a dark haired girl with tattoos and piercings. Someone a white picket fence family wouldn't want in their home.

"Second of all," he continued, ignoring Ben's question. "I never fucked Killian. I fucked around with him, yes, but we never had sex."

"Did he mean anything to you?" Ben asked as they made their way outside.

"No," he answered even though he knew it was a lie. At first, his intentions were to get back at the brunette for everything he put him through but he couldn't deny he started enjoying those few little moments. The looks he put on Killian's face, the little sounds he had him make.

He stopped short at the sight of Killian, standing in front of him. The brunette took a step back. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I came. I just thought-" he glanced at Carson. "Nevermind." He turned around but this time, Carson wasn't letting him get away. He grabbed his arm, pulling him back, causing his hood to fall back from his face. His words died on his tongue at the sight of him.  He had a black eye, bruises around his throat, a swollen lip. 

"What the fuck happened to you?" He demanded.

"Nothing," the brunette said but Carson didn't miss the way his eyes quickly darted to Ben.

Carson turned his glare onto the golden boy. "You beat him up?"


Carson landed a punch to his jaw. Ben's head snapped back from the force of it. Immediately, Reese and Angel were there to back up their captain but Ben waved them off. "I can handle this on my own."

Ben slammed into him, knocking them both off their feet. They rolled around in the dirt, landing punch after punch. Carson wasn't sure who was winning at this point. He only felt a blind rage. Then a voice had them freezing and looking up as the principal made her way across the lawn. 

Her glare was fixed on Carson. "I see being in this group did nothing for you."

She sighed. "I hate to do this but I have no other choice, Carson Parker, you're expelled."

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