Chapter 17

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Carson's POV

Dread pooled in his gut as they pulled up to the familiar white picket fence home that was Ben's. Two cars were already sitting in the loop around drive way and Ben parked his own car behind a black Bentley. 

He felt Ben's gaze on him and looked over, meeting a pair of worried green eyes. "Are you ready?"

"Not really."

Ben reached over and took his hand, rubbing his thumb across Carson's knuckles. "It'll be okay. I don't care if they don't accept you," he let out a bitter laugh. "Hell, I don't expect them too. But I want to give them a chance. We can leave right after, okay?"

Carson nodded and together, they stepped out of Ben's car, making their way up the path to his house. Ben took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as they passed through the front door. The sound of the TV drew them to the living room where a man with blonde hair sat on the couch, gaze fixed on the screen playing a football game. He looked over when they came in, eyes falling to their locked hands. 

"Ben. Whose this?" He kept his expression carefully blank. The calm before a storm. Just at that moment, Ben's mom came in, stopping at the sight of them. "Oh Ben, I didn't know you were bringing company."

"Mom, Dad." Ben started, taking a deep breath. "This is Carson-"

"Yes," Ben's mom interrupted, wringing a drying cloth in her hands as if she was nervous. "You've introduced us before. Honey, this is Ben's partner for a project they're working on for school."

Ben's father raised an eyebrow. "Does this project require them to hold hands?"

Carson swallowed his nerves, keeping his eyes trained on Ben. The golden boy took another breath. "This is my boyfriend."

His mom laughed but it was off, forced. "We know he's your boy friend-"

"No. We're together."

Ben's father stood up, making his way over to where they stood. He raised his hand and Carson flinched back, waiting for a hit that never came. He blinked his eyes open and realized that it wasn't him the man's hand was aiming for but his son. Ben blinked as if he too were surprised. It was quickly masked by anger but Carson still saw the hurt that flashed in his eyes. 

"I thought you would understand. I thought you would accept me-"

"Accept you?" His father spat. "It's not natural."

Ben's mom looked distressed but said nothing, keeping her lips locked in a firm line.

"What's not natural?" All four of them turned to see Ben's sister walk through the door, hand in hand with her girlfriend. The girl was a foot taller than the blonde with pitch black hair tied into a messy bun. Her ears were pierced on every available piece of skin along with her nose and lip. Her eyes were deep brown and filled with curiosity as she took in the scene before her. She said something in Korean to which Ben's sister nodded, giving her a peck on the cheek. 

Ben's mom sucked in a sharp breath. "Taylor, nows not a good time. Why don't you take you- Your girl friend and go somewhere else for a bit."

Taylor's girlfriends eyes narrowed into a glare but said nothing, letting Taylor handle her family's matters. "Why don't you tell me what's going on?" She looked at each of them, stopping at Carson and Ben's hands and then up to where there was a red mark on Ben's cheek. "Did you-"

"Taylor," Ben finally spoke. "It's alright. Take Jae and go out for a bit."

"No it's not alright!" Ben's sister exploded. Her accusing gaze landed on her parents. "How dare you? Ben's been nothing but your perfect son since the day he was born, doing everything you wanted him to do, never speaking out against you. I never held it against you for treating me like shit after bringing my girlfriend home because I was never the good kid, you've always acted like this was a rebellious phase for me and I could kind of understand it even if it pissed me off but for you to treat Ben this way? Because he's gay? It's fucking awful. You should be ashamed of yourselves."

Their father took a step forward, fury in his gaze but their mom grabbed his arm before he could hit Taylor. Jae stepped in front of the blonde instinctively, ready to take any blow for her. "Michael, stop this. They're kids, they'll grow out of it."

Taylor looked like she was ready to pounce but Ben let go of Carson's hand to pull his sister away. "Come on Tay. Let's get out of here." 

The four of them left the fuming parents behind, piling into Ben's car. Carson saw Jae take Taylor's hand, giving the blonde a worried look. "Are you alright?" She whispered in English. 

Taylor shook her head. "I can't believe them! They treat me like shit, fine! But for them to treat Ben that way-"

"I expected it." Ben cut her off and she opened her mouth but Ben hurried to continue. "I know it's not okay but it's what it is. The best we can do is give them time to get over themselves."

Taylor's eyes flashed to Carson before a grin surfaced on her features. "So you must be the boyfriend."

He nodded hesitantly. 

"I'm Taylor, Ben's sister obviously and this is my girlfriend, Jae."

Jae gave them a shy wave. "Hi."

Carson nodded to her, feeling awkward and guilty. He knew he shouldn't feel guilty for the way Ben's parents behaved but it was still partially his fault for driving a wedge in his relationship with them. 

"So what now?" He found himself asking.

Ben shrugged. "I'm in no hurry to go back home. What do you all say we go grab milkshakes?"

There was a chorus of yeses before Ben put the car in drive and they were on their way to forget their troubles if only for the moment.

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