Chapter 7

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Carson's POV

He took a deep, shuddering breath as Ben pulled out. He didn't move from his position bent over the sinks, afraid his legs would give out. He glanced up at his disheveled appearance in the mirrors. He looked like a mess and even worse, he looked like he just got fucked by Ben Marshall in the school bathroom. 

He caught sight of Ben pulling up his pants in the mirror, a sly smile casted his way. "That was-"

"Shut up." Carson pulled away from his crutch, hurriedly throwing his own clothes on, not realizing that his shirt was inside out before rushing from the bathroom. He could hear footsteps behind him and knew Ben was following him. He wasn't getting very far with the pain sliding up his lower back and the small limp that resulted from the harsh exercise they did on his basically virgin ass.

"Hey! Wait up!" Ben called out but he just kept going, pushing his way through the dimming lunch time crowd. 

He found his way outside, hurrying to the back of the school and away from the sound of Ben's voice. He was too busy looking behind him, to make sure Ben hadn't managed to follow him, that he didn't see the person standing directly in front of him until it was too late. He smacked into a rock hard chest, stumbling back and almost losing his balance if the person didn't reach out their hands to steady him. Glancing up, he realized he had bumped into none other than Killian who had a joint pressed between his lips and a surprised look on his face. He quickly masked his features before pushing Carson away. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Carson glared. "Me? You're the one hanging at the back of the school during class to smoke a joint."

"Whatever. Just go away." Killian turned his back but Carson grabbed his arm, pulling him right back. 

"No. Now that we're here, why don't you tell me why you kissed me that night and told all your friends I came onto you?" To his utter surprise, Killian looked away, heat spreading across his cheeks before mumbling something. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I said," huffed Killian. "I'm sorry."

Carson was stunned into silence, making Killian look at him before rolling his eyes. "I don't know what came over me, okay? I was high and had a few beer, I wasn't thinking clearly. I panicked thinking you would tell someone and then people would think that I was- You know? Which I'm not and so I told my friends so that if another story came out, mine would be the one they believed."

"Well did you have to beat me up?" Carson snapped, feeling no sympathy for the brunette across from him. 

Killian's glared back. "I always beat you up, if I didn't, it would just be weird."

"Why do you hate me so much?" Carson asked, genuinely curious. He didn't remember doing anything to specifically piss off the boy but Killian's feelings seemed to come from something deeper than a stereotypical jock hates boy from the wrong side of town.

Killian looked away. "It's none of your business."

Carson could feel his temper fraying. "I think it is my business when you make it your life mission to make my life miserable even if they are poor attempts."

Before Killian's fist could collide with his face, he grabbed the boys hand, twisting the boy's arm away from him. Killian winced as Carson twisted his arm behind his back before throwing him into the wall of the school. He pinned his other hand above him so he couldn't attack. Without his friends there to help him, Carson had the upper hand. 

Their chests heaved against each others, Killian's breath fanning his cheek as he spoke. "Let me go." He squirmed, attempting to get away but Carson only tightened his grip. 

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