Chapter 9

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Carson's POV

It took five hours for the power to come back on. 

Five hours of making out with Ben in the elevator. 

By the time they made it out, Carson's lips were red and slightly swollen, his neck littered with hickey's, hair messed from when Ben tugged on it. 

It was nine at night by the time they made it up to Carson's apartment and they were both too tired to work on anything. He couldn't even offer Ben dinner seeing as they didn't even have food. Thinking of food caused his stomach to growl, making Ben glance at him before wondering into the kitchen and opening the fridge. "What the fuck," said Ben as he closed the door. "You seriously only have beer."

He shrugged. "It's all my father cares to buy."

Ben sighed, checking his phone. "Looks like service is back up. I'll see if I can order us a pizza in this weather."

"No, don't-" He wanted to tell Ben not to bother but he was already dialing the number, casting Carson a smirk as he held the phone up to his ear.

And that's how they ended up on Carson's couch, going through the TV stations while they waited for the pizza to arrive. 

"Where's your father anyway?" Ben asked, glancing at Carson as he continued to click through the stations.

"The hospital."

Ben paused, turning to face Carson fully now. "What happened? Is he okay?"

"Car accident."

"Shit, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It was his fault."

Ben frowned but the ping of the uber eats app told them that food had arrived. Ben went to go retrieve it while Carson sat, uncomfortable on his own couch. It smelled of stale alcohol and his father had practically ruined the cheap material by spilling shit and beating it during his angry fits.

 When Ben came back with the pizza in hand, Carson nearly fell as he flew across the room, grabbing a slice as soon as the box was opened. Ben gave him an unreadable look which he ignored while he stuffed himself with the pizza. He managed to eat four slices before a pain in his belly made him stop. Ben was still on his first slice when Carson plopped back down on the couch, hands resting on his aching belly. 

"Carson," he looked over at Ben who gently set his slice back in the box. "How often do you eat?"

Carson glared at him. "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Pretend to be concerned for my well being. You don't know me and I don't need you to sit there and judge me when you basically live in a fucking mansion compared to this dump of an apartment."

"Carson, I'm not trying to judge you, I-"

"Then stop talking. What I eat and how much I eat is my business. Not yours." With that, he turned back to the TV, distracting himself from Ben's heavy gaze. 

They ended up putting on some rom-com because there was nothing else to watch. He felt his eyes grow heavy, and soon enough, he was falling asleep to the sound of Adam Sandler's voice.


He woke up on a hard yet comfortable surface. He snuggled deeper into the warmth as arms tightened around him- Wait. Arms? He tore his eyes open, realizing with horror that he had been asleep on Ben's chest, snuggled together on the thin couch. 

He ripped himself away, waking Ben up as he fell to the ground, hitting his arm off the coffee table creating a loud bang! Ben blinked before looking down at him, brows furrowing. "Are you okay?"

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