L. Sleepover ♡

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Sub Takashi Sub Takashi Sub Takashi

⚠️ Unedited ⚠️

"Really? We can?" I gasped excitedly. My uncle stood in front of me with narrow eyes.

"Fine, but there's going to be rules, alright?" Ranka replied in a stern tone. I nodded quickly. "The door stays open the whole time, and nothing funny will be going on tonight, got that?"

"Yes! Thanks, Uncle," I said before going back to my room. I quickly re-called Takashi and told him the news as soon as he answered. "He agreed! You can spend the night, Takashi," I explained.

I was about to leave for the next week. That meant I either had to spend time with Takashi right now or wait a full SEVEN days to hang out with him again.

When the call ended, I plugged my phone back into the charger and went out to the living room. Haruhi was sitting on the couch. A soft smile formed on her face. I sat down beside her and waited for her to say something about it. I knew she was going to tease me about it.

"Dad finally agreed, huh?" my cousin asked. I nodded, and she added, "You guys aren't gonna be loud, right?"

"Loud? Why would we be loud?" I scoffed and played innocent. Haruhi rolled her eyes in response. "Are you all packed up to leave tomorrow?" I changed the subject.

"Yeah, are you?" Haruhi asked. I nodded once. "Have you told any of the other hosts that we're leaving?"

"Nope," I responded. "Why would we have to? It's not like they're going to think we were kidnapped or something," I joked.

"Those boys are so sweet, well... most of them," Ranka joined in when he re-entered the room. He was probably talking about Tamaki. "Are you sure you shouldn't give them any sort of heads up? What if they start to worry?"

"It's fine, Dad," Haruhi replied calmly. "Mori-senpai knows where we're going. He can tell the others if they ask. Plus, we'll only be gone for about a week, so it's not a big deal."


As soon I heard a knock, I stood up and rushed to answer it. I smiled widely and pulled Takashi into a quick hug. "Hi! I'm so glad you're here," I greeted. I stepped to the side and let Takashi into the house. While I closed the door, he kicked off his shoes and lined them up with the rest.

"Hi, Mori-senpai," Haruhi greeted from the couch. He nodded in acknowledgment and turned to face my uncle.

"Thank you for letting me stay," Takashi spoke in a flat tone.

"Mhmm. I better not see any hickies on my son's neck, got it?" My uncle replied with narrowed eyes. My uncle crossed his arms over his chest. Takashi nodded again. I grabbed onto his hand and began leading him to my room.

"Okay, thanks uncle, we'll be going now," I said quickly before leaving with Takashi. 

"That door stays open!" Uncle shouted as we left. I pulled Takashi into my room. He set his backpack on the floor and turned towards me.

"I don't see why you're so strict with them, Dad. It's not like Touma's going to get pregnant," Haruhi said. Since the door was open, we could clearly hear them.

"Haruhi!" I complained from in my room. I could hear her laugh. I rolled my eyes then turned my attention towards Takashi. "I'm so happy that you'll be spending the night, Takashi!" I began to rant nervously. "I'm not sure about the sleeping arrangements though. I mean, I'll be happy to share my bed with you, but-but there isn't that much room, so if you don't want that, I have an extra mattress that Tsuki-"

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