LVI. Haruhi's First Date - Part 3

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"We took our eyes off them for a second, and now, everything's great!" Kaoru spoke happily. At first, it was really awkward and hard to watch. Hikaru seemed a little stand-offish, and they barely even spoke.

"That's true, but I get the feeling Haruhi's the one in charge here," Kyoya replied.

"Yeah, I see that too. She's been choosing everything that they do," I agreed with a soft nod.

"It looks like the ice cream stand helped smooth things over!" Honey-senpai added. I let out a small laugh. He really put on a fake mustache and a hat and thought that would be enough to keep Hikaru and Haruhi from recognizing him.

"I doubt it," Mori responded.

"We should get going. If we get caught, it's going to ruin everything. Anyway, I don't think the boss can handle much more of this," Kaoru said and motioned to Tamaki who was intensely staring at the other two.

"It looks like so much fun," Tamaki mumbled. He paused then added, "Lucky." It almost looked like he was about to cry.

"Yeah, let's head back now. I think he's going to cry if he watches any more of this," I joked.

"I'll call us a cab," Kyoya mumbled and pulled his phone out.

"Hey! I'll have you know I care about Haruhi more than those twins could ever!" Tamaki turned around to shout at me.

"Yeah, because that's not creepy," I egged him on. "Anyways, you don't have to tell me. I already know you're obsessed with my cousin." I turned away before he could defend himself, but I listened when Tamaki cried to Kyoya about how mean I was being.


Just as we got back to the Inn, it started to heavily rain.

"Check out that lightning," Kaoru stated. He, Honey-senpai, and Kyoya all stood by the window. Even from my seat at a nearby table, I could tell the sky was covered in heavy dark clouds.

"I sure hope those two didn't get stuck in the rain," Honey-senpai responded. I let out a soft sigh then went back to staring down at the table.

"What's wrong?" Takashi asked. He reached over and rested his hand on my back.

"I'm just a little worried about Haruhi. That's all," I admitted. I scooted closer to him, and he wrapped his arm around me. "Haruhi's always been... a little scared of thunder. I just hope she's okay." I looked over at Tamaki. He was pacing back and forth.

"Tamaki, dear, try to settle down," Misuzu told him.

"No, I should go and look for them," Tamaki suggested and pointed towards the front door. The phone began to ring before any of us could talk him out of it.

"Hello, This is Misuzu. How can I help you?" Misuzu answered the phone in a cheery tone. "Oh, it's you, Arai! What is it?" Misuzu paused and listened to the other side of the call. "What? Haruhi and Hikaru?" He asked in a worried tone. I lifted my head and began to watched Misuzu.

If Arai is calling about those two, then he either ran into them during their date, or he's with them right now. Either way, it won't be good, seeing as how Hikaru reacted to him the other day.

Misuzu hummed a few times while Arai spoke over the line. "Thank you. Hikaru should have his cell with him, so I'll try giving him a call. Goodbye, now," Misuzu said before hanging up the phone.

"What did he say?" I asked. The rest of the hosts had their attention on Misuzu after hearing Hikaru and Haruhi's name being said.

"Hikaru left Haruhi in front of the produce shop, and he decided he'd head back on his own," Misuzu explained. "Arai said Haruhi took off after Hikaru, and that's when it started pouring. He was worried, so he called to make sure they made it home okay."

I glanced over at Tamaki. He looked like he was about to explode. The blond pulled out his phone and pretty much stomped away from the group, probably to yell at Hikaru over the phone.

"It's going to be okay," Takashi mumbled and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

"Yeah," I paused and sighed. "I know." I glanced at the other hosts. Tamaki was still on the phone yelling at Hikaru about him being an idiot, and the others were watching and listening in on his conversation. "Come upstairs with me?" I asked. He nodded and followed me to my room.

I realized I don't have to worry that much about Haruhi. At least not when Tamaki and the others are around.

As soon as we stepped into the room, I kicked my shoes off and threw myself onto my bed. I watched as Takashi did the same. When his eyes met mine, I held my arms out to him, so he quickly approached me. We laid on our sides facing each other.

"Is something wrong, Takashi?" I asked after a few seconds of silence. He had that look on his face. The one that said he wanted to talk about something, but he was hesitant. He shook his head slowly. "What's on your mind?" I asked and reached out to place my hand on his chest.

"Would you meet my parents?" He spoke slowly. My eyes widened a bit. I didn't answer right away, and I guess that was concerning to him. His hand, the one that rested on my hip, tightened.

"You want me to meet them?" I asked. Takashi nodded once. "And you're going to introduce me as your friend..?" I joked. Takashi huffed softly and shook his head. I laughed and leaned forward to kiss him. "Really? I'd love to, Takashi," I agreed after pulling away from him. "Wait, are you going to tell them about me before I meet them, or is this going to be like a surprise attack sort of thing?"

"Surprise attack?" Takashi let out an amused hum.

"Yeah, like you don't tell them I'm your boyfriend until I'm actually there? Also, are your parents mean? Are they like Kyoya's dad? Because, I need to make a good impression and-" Takashi cut me off by cupping the side of my face and placing this thumb over my lips.

"You're nervous," he stated. I nodded softly. "Don't be." Takashi pulled his thumb away and replaced it with his own lips.

"Okay, but you see, I still am going to be," I whispered playfully. "I love you, Takashi, so I want your parents to like me— tolerate me at least." Takashi sighed and sat up. He pushed me onto my back hovered above me.

"They will," he stated before bringing his lips to my neck.

"Takashi!" I whined. I was trying not to give into him, but I did. It was hard not to. I let out a soft moan and wrapped my legs around his torso. His arms propped himself above me, and his hands held mine down onto the mattress. That was probably so that I couldn't pull away and continue to ask about his parents.

Takashi eventually pulled away from my neck, so I leaned forward to connect our lips. When he finally unpinned my arms, I placed both of my hands on his chest and gently pushed him away. "Are you sure your parents will like me?" I jokingly asked.

"Touma," Takashi warned and somewhat glared at me. I laughed at his response, but it was cut short when he ground his hips against mine. My breathing hitched and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Takashi... don't start that if you know we can't actually... finish that," I huffed. He hummed again in an agreeing way. "Don't worry, Takashi," I began. I rolled us over and straddled him. "We'll be back home soon enough, and I won't forget that you agreed to let me top you," I chuckled and bent down to kiss him again.

Hey..... so it's been a while, hasn't it?

I've been really struggling with this chapter, and since I'm starting college, I'm really busy.

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