~*Chapter 27*~

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~ Shai~

Dani! Calm down Shai said pacing with me. I can't! I can't lose him. He's going to be ok; I need you to calm down alright. I can't lose my father she said breaking down. Breathe sweetie everything's going to be okay. Yeah, everything is gonna be fine she said looking at me for reassurance. I've been here with Danielle since Pauline called and said that they rushed him to the hospital. We don't even know yet what is going on with him, because as soon as they got him here, they rushed him back into surgery or something we aren't even in sure. Once I got Danielle calmed down, I could go and talk to Pauline, she was a complete mess she just kept looking at the clock and closing her eyes like she was praying.

Ms. Pauline! Yeah Shai. Can you tell me what happened? We went to dinner to talk; you know because of everything that's been going on with us lately. We were good for the first hour and then I noticed that he started to sweat profusely and was complain that he couldn't breathe. I asked him if he had an allergy to anything, cause we were eating seafood and I didn't know if it was from that or something else. I went to help him so we could leave and he started gripping his cheat and then he just fell on the floor in the middle of the restaurant. My nursing experience immediately kicked in and I started performing CPR until the ambulance got there. Shai I can't lose him, he's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. He's gonna be fine Pops is a strong man and he's going to make it out to this. She nodded to me as we heard the doctor call for us.

LEWIS FAMILY! That's us Dani said getting up. How is my father? Your father is going to be just fine. He suffered a Silent heart attack. A silent heart attack what does that mean? Basically, what it means is that he most likely has been experiencing systems of it for the last few days and passed it off as muscle pain. Its common if you lift weights or move furniture, most people don't even know that's it's happened. The medical name for it is a Coronary Artery Spasm or CAS for short. The reason it took us so long to come out and speak with you is because once we got him to the back the spasm had ended and his heart rate was back too normal. It was only after running the blood work that we could see that at some point his levels had dropped. So, he didn't have open heart surgery? No who told you that? The nurse she said that he was in surgery. I am sorry for the miscommunication, he was in triage, we were trying to figure out what was wrong with him and how we could fix it. It took us a while because he was fine like 10 mins after we got back there. So, he's going to be ok! Yes, he is, however he's not out of the woods, when we ran his blood work, we did notice that his blood pressure was a little high and his potassium level was severely low. Doctor is he at risk for having another heart attack in the future, Pauline said. I would like to say that he's all clear, but once you have one it's kind of a gamble. Can we see him please Dani said? Family only. We're all family, we're his daughters and this is his fiancé she said looking at Pauline. You two go ahead I am gonna wait for Remi to call so I can give her and update. Ok they nodded going to the back. Of course, you know I don't do well with hospitals so I let them go and I waited till I saw Jade come into the waiting area.

How is he? He's going to be ok. Oh, thank you god she said shaking her head. Remi! I got ahold of her she's on her way back. You call Lisa? I paged her but she didn't respond. I don't think she should have come either, you know her and Remi aren't on the same page right now. Family though. I get it but sometimes even family needs a break from one another too. A break yes, but during times like this, she should be here with us. Call her again see if you can get her to come before Remi gets here.


Don't you think it's a little early for you to be drinking? Don't you think it's a little early for you to be in my damn business! Fine I'll leave you alone, but just know you need to leave for TRL in 30 minutes. I know damn I said taking another sip of my drink. I don't even wanna be doing this damn interview but, we had to promote the album and do appearances. Truthfully, I just wanted to crawl in bed and wish the shit that happened to me hadn't. I looked at the drink, the last time I drunk brown liquor was after the fight with Remi.

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