~*Chapter 36*~

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You never told me how your sporadic trip to the west coast went, Shonda said as we ate lunch. It was definitely different I'll tell you that. How so? Well for one I definitely wasn't expecting her to be so open with me during the trip. Open! I mean she's always been open I just didn't think she'd be that forth coming with me being there with her. She was holding my hand and taking me places, introducing me as her girlfriend. Wait she introduced you as her girlfriend. Yes girl, I met her tour manager and she clearly said this is my girl! Damn I didn't think she's be that quick to just put it out there. Me either but she's moving at a faster pace especially since we've been talking about having a baby. A baby! Mhm, I think we're ready. Weren't you ready with Nina too? No Nina was ready, I was chillin cause I ain't know her like that for real. But Lisa, Lisa is different, if she wanted to go to the doctor today and do it I would. You would. Mhm I sure would. Oh, she said looking off. What's that look for? Nothing! Come on Shonda if you know something tell me. I don't wanna cause any problems. And why would you cause a problem? It's been some rumors going around. Rumors like what? Like Lisa and Andre. Lisa and Andre what?

Wheew she said putting her fork down I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want it to seem like I was playing into gossip and shit, but it's been going around that when the group was in Vegas they hooked up. Hooked up I said looking at her. Some folks said they heard them having sex, while others said they saw them together out shopping and eating. Thank you for telling me. You, ok? I am fine because I know that the rumors are false. False! Yeah, if they heard any sexual activity coming from her room it wasn't her and because she switched rooms, once she found him butt ass naked in her bed and as far as seeing her out, that's a lie because she was busy with her tour and other business. You sure Remi I mean I don't wanna over step my boundaries. Then don't, I am telling you the truth and also, I know Lisa and I know exactly what happened in Vegas. Now the folks running they mouth saying that she was doing all kinds of shit with him can go on with that cause I ain't here it. I didn't want to believe it, but folks at the station been talking about it and how they got proof of it. Proof of something that didn't happen! They said they had the audio from the having sex. How in the hell would they get the audio of that? Good question! They talking about releasing it on the celebrity rumor report. I wanted to let you know before you heard it on the station. Who's doing it? The lunch time crew. PJ told them it wouldn't be a good look but they said it'll get them good ratings.

Fuck I mumbled to myself because I couldn't say something to them about it without telling my own business. Shonda and PJ were the only two people I worked with who knew the deal between Lisa and I. I definitely wanted to keep it that way too. Cause the last thing we needed was folks saying some shit about her. I mean more shit than they already say about her. The stuff going on with Ti was already all over MTV, BET, and VH1.They really had the nerve to try and say that she was suicidal and tried to kill herself. Anybody who knows Tionne, knows damn well that she ain't never been suicidal and if she was, she definitely wouldn't have done the shit while she was on the stage in front of twenty thousand fans either. When she didn't come home to Atlanta immediately, they said she was in a psychiatric hospital. It also didn't help that JP came back acting like nothing ever happened. She wasn't in the hospital; she was in the arms of the woman who loved her getting healthy again so that she can go out and finish this tour.

What are you going to do about it? I don't know I ain't telling them my business but I also can't let them report some false shit either. Lisa ain't been with Andre I know firsthand but if he wanna lie about some shit maybe I can make up a story myself. Make up a story Remi she said laughing. I mean come on it can't be that hard, and it won't necessarily be made, everyone knows that he dips his di... I looked over at the table next to me to see a little girl smiling at me. I smiled at her before speaking again. He dips his fries in all kids of sauces I said. Mhm he definitely does she said agreeing with me. I've heard about him and his love for different sauces. I even heard he about to have a new baby too. A new baby. Mhm some girl he met I don't know, they said that she's been saying that it's his baby and she was going to prove it to. He already got 3 kids you'd think he'd be tired of paying that child support especially when he ain't getting them football checks no more. I sat there listening to everything that Shonda said because I didn't know much about Andre other than what Li had told me and I suspected that she wasn't going to tell me everything that went on between them in the past. And honestly, I don't think I want to know everything. So why not spin it, and say that they ran into each other in Vegas and he was with someone else and the sounds that they have if they play are not Lisa, they are that other girl. That could be completely plausible as well. It sure could, so this what we were going to say as I laid out the plan with her. By the time we finished lunch we had a full proof plan and a way to get the information over to the station before they even reported the rumor they had. Of course, they picked it up and ran with it.

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