~*Chapter 56*~

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1 year later...


"What made you decide to be DJ? Growing up in the Philly it was always a thing to try and keep up with the guys. Hip hop was all about them. It seemed like there was no room for women until Roxanne Shante, Salt n Pepa, and Monie Love came on the scene. They came with so much determination and grit that I knew I had to be like them. So, they are your role models then? To a certain extent yes, but there were also others I looked up to as well such as Patti, Janet, and Whitney. And the obvious mysterious person you are with as well? It's not a mystery we just don't choose to share our personal life with the media. There is a lot speculation going around about who you're with and why yall haven't said anything. I am sure there is, but I haven't and won't confirm anything in any sort of publication if it comes out, it does and if it doesn't it just means no one was supposed to know about it. Ok I see you big on privacy. Very big on it!"

I watched from the background while she did her first ever magazine interview. She'd worked for years literally to get to this point and now that she was here, she was reveling in it. She wasn't the same insecure woman that came back to me after all of those years of being apart. She wasn't the same girl that stood me up when we were supposed to leave Philly together that day. She was different and for that matter so was I. In the past I chased after what everyone else wanted for me and never what I wanted for myself. I knew I wanted the career, the fame and notoriety. I wanted to be a Superstar and a legend in my own right. To be able to show all those motherfuckers that doubted me that I can do the shit and do it better than any of the rest of them at that. What I didn't think about was everyone would think of my decision to love a woman. It wasn't like it didn't come up through the years, most of it was geared towards Tionne but every now and then someone would say some shit about me. I'd casually let it slide, all the while knowing that the person, I truly loved is a woman and a beautiful one at that. It was rare to find a woman like Remi, one that is beautiful inside and outside, but I did, and I meant every word that I said to her on our wedding day.

Since we got married both of our careers have soared, my solo album took off and despite what the record label thought it did the numbers I wanted it to do and better. It did so well that now they are asking me for a second album. A second one, all I wanted was just one chance to show people that I could do it and now I am getting the opportunity to do it. In addition to the second album ya girl is getting calls for movie rolls, tv show hosting, and because of my baby I got a damn cookbook in the works as well. And Remi, she went back to her radio station job doing the midday show just like she said she would. But two weekends a month she was out on the road doing gigs up and down the east coast, until she landed a couple of gigs she couldn't pass up on. The first is at a club in Atlanta she's the resident DJ she basically makes her own hours, and she does the major hosting nights as well. The second was well the biggest blessing that could ever come about. The group decided to make her our primary concert DJ. Now before you think I had anything to do with it I didn't, but did I oppose it? Nope because it meant that we wouldn't have to spend so much time apart. Especially since we were now thinking more and more about having children. We could only suppress our baby fever so long and with so many children around us, it felt right to start planning for them.

It wasn't long before her interview ended, we had a method of making sure that no one knew how connected we were to one another other than the fact that I was her manager. I watched as she thanked the people for allowing her to do the interview and she gave me the head nod. Tyler I'll be in the car! Ok he said nodding to me as he made his way over to Remi. Hiring him and Teddy was one of the best decisions I'd ever made cause she has a fan base now and some of them have gotten a little crazy. Not too crazy like show up to our house or whatever but some of them have pushed the limits and Teddy's gotten with them on it too. I especially like having him around her when she's doing these shows when I am not there to make sure the undesirables like Chris, Nina, Aubrey or anybody else for that matter decide to show up. Don't think Chris forgot about what she said and did that night because he didn't and he not he take cheap shots at her and showing up to places where he knows he wasn't invited too. Aubrey been gone since that night he told Remi his truth, we don't hear from him or even run into him when we're in any of his cities. Nina is another situation that I'll let Remi address that if she chooses too. I'll just say this Remi knows where home is and she knows that Nina can't do nothing for her mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, or financially so she should tread lightly when entertaining her existence around me.

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