Journey to Hashurima "a hunted past and a determined future"

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Denzo was speechless from what he was seeing while Eris was lost in his own thoughts. He had a vision where he was lost in an infinite emptiness, he felt a weird feeling, as if he was floating in a dark space only to hear some whispers but this time he understood them

" Who is he ..? How did he connect...!? What is he doing here ..!?" Said the whispers, the vision didn't last long and Eris fell to the ground only to wake up later that day in his bed.

Eris was confused about what happened to him and felt a little lost, then, he heard some noise downstairs, so he got off of his bed and start walking to see what's going on. He heard Denzo speaking to the hostel owner.

"Are you sure there is no danger anymore? " Said the Hostel owner.

"After I found Eris, the Zeldik just disappeared, it was so strange. I thought he was going to the village , but I was surprised that everything was ok when I got there, so I patrolled around the village and the woods, and there was no trace of him" replied Denzo.

"If the villagers discovered that the monsters had appeared again and oddly Eris may be there target, chaos and fear will consume them and I'm afraid of what can happen to Eris " Said the inn's owner.

"Indeed this could be a problem, but I have an offer to propose to Eris that may avoid the village and Eris a lot of trouble" Said Denzo.

Then Eris pushes the door and enters the room. For a moment, silence hovered around them. They just stare at each other as Denzo and the hostel owner kept looking at Eris and Eris looked back at them with a confused face.

"Well hello Eris, did you sleep well?" asked Denzo.

"Yes ...I think " Replied Eris.

"But... What happened ? I don't remember much, I was in the forest and then suddenly, I found myself in bed" Eris again.

"Oh don't worry about that, you just got tired and slept under a tree so I brought you back to the hostel on my back " said Denzo.

"Tell me Eris, didn't you tell me that you want to join the army ? " He continued.

"Yes I do!" replied Eris with excitement.

"Well the tests to join the academy of Hashurima's army will start in less than a month and I'm going back to the capital. Would you like to join me back to the capital and take the test to see if you have what it takes to join the army of Hashurima ?"

"Of course I will come! "Said Eris

"Joining the army is my first step to achieve my goal" He add with a serious look on his face.

"Well it's all done! Tomorrow we'll be on a journey to the capital so be ready" said Denzo.

That evening, Eris was walking around the village remembering his parents and his brother. He remembered how he used to follow Jhin in the woods only to be lost and start to cry. He would then hear Jhin's voice "if you can't handle the way then you should not follow me, little Eris" he turn to see Jhin looking at him with a warm smile, then, grabbing his noise he would say to him "this is your punishment".

After finishing his tour, on the way back to the hostel he encountered Luna who looked sad.

"Why do you look so sad Luna ? " Asked Eris.

"Do you think you'll be fine in the capital alone ? " She replied back.

"To be honest, I don't know, but it's something that I have to do" said Eris.

"Will you be back soon?" said Luna.

"I don't know either, but I know that when I'll be ready I will definitely come back" replied Eris. "But I can tell you for sure I will never forget you, you are my best friend and this will never change"

Luna couldn't help herself so she Hugged Eris. He was blushing and he lost all of his words so he started blabbering, a sheepish smile covering his face.

The next morning, Denzo and Eris' journey has start. They were crossing the woods when Eris start to talk without stopping and even though Denzo was annoyed with him, he kept responding to Eris's questions.

"And are all Zeldiks evil?" Asked Eris.

"No, you think so ? There's no Zeldik who was kind enough to invite us to Drink tea with him." Replied Denzo

"And if Zeldiks are that strong, how can we, humans fight them ?" said Erin.

" Actually, you can't even touch a Zeldik. Zeldiks' aura is so dark and powerful that if it touch a human, it will either kill him or make him go crazy. So that's why we have spiritual weapons" said Denzo while looking at his spear.

"And how can this weapons fight the Zeldiks ?" The boy asked again.

" spiritual weapons are made of Zeldiks aura. The aura is sealed in a weapon made of the most solid metal in the land and can collide with Zeldiks and may even kill them. But the thing is... , you need to be chosen" Said Denzo

"Chosen, what do you mean ?" Replied Eris

"The weapon chooses its master. If the weapon is strong, it will require a strong master, and if you are not strong enough for it then it will just not activate and its aura will not emerge" Denzo informed him.

"And why... "

"Just stop Eris" He was interrupted by Denzo "Everything will be explained to you at the academy if you pass the test."

"I can't wait to be there, I know that I'm strong enough to join the army. And then, finally my quest to find him can really start." Thought Eris.

While at the same time other thoughts were going through Denzo's mind.

"I have a really weird feeling about this boy. First, when we encountered that horrible Zeldik, I never saw something like it before, then, I got this weird sensation from Eris when I grabbed him away from the creature. Does it have something to do with what happened to his family? And what about his brother? Too many questions but no answers, I'm sure that the future will be all but boring for this boy, I will keep an eye on him.

"Finally ...We arrived, the capital is right behind this hill" Exclaimed Denzo.

Eris immediately start running towards the hill and once he arrives at its peak, he was dazzled, stunned, his mouth fully open in front of the view of the capital, It had a big brown wall surrounding it. It was so vast and so full of people that you can even hear them yelling from far away. Traders were at the entrance, waiting to be checked and guards were looking in every direction, the city was impenetrable.

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