The tests Begin"valuable allies or strong enemies"

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Once they entered the capital Denzo took Eris to a hostel in which he knew the owner, he seemed pretty close to him...

"How was the trip Denzo boy, did you had fun? "Asked the owner with a sarcastic laugh.

"I told you stop calling me that, fat old man!" replied Denzo in an angry voice.

"You seem pretty sad. Tell me, did some thieves bully you? HA HA HA!" It was clear that the owner was mocking him at this point.

Denzo was about to pull his spear, it was almost as if he wants to kill the owner of the hostel but then the owner interrupted Denzo "and who is this boy you brought with you?"

"Anyway ...this is Eris, he needs a room for the next few weeks so be what you are supposed to be ... A hostel owner, and take care of your new client "Said Denzo before turning to Eris. "the test is going to start in less than 2 days so be ready, you may encounter some other people that came here to take the test so make some friends , it's never too late or too soon to make friends ,see you soon Eris."

"Thank you for your help Denzo! You will not regret taking me with you, in two days I'll be ready!" replied Eris.

And while he was going to his new room escorted by the owner, the door he was passing by violently opened and a girl fell at Eris's feet. He turns to see what's going on inside the room and he sees a girl yelling.

"Call me that one more time and I will make you regret it!"Shouted the girl at the room.

"You little witch, can't you just leave me alone and use another room?" said the girl that fell

"I told you to not call me that! And now you will pay, you useless tree!" Another girl replied back to her from the room.

They seemed like they were going to hit each other but the owner intervened and stopped them.

"Girls, girls, can't you be a little bit more mature?You are scaring our new guest, this is Eris" said the owner.

Eris was confused and didn't know what to say so his only word was "Hey..."

"This is Ailil and this is her sister Adjam" Said the owner .

"So... You two are sisters. Who would've guessed that..ha...ha "said Eris.

"Are you laughing at us? I'm going to punch you in the nose "Ailil snapped at him.

"Oh no! I'm just joking I would never laugh at you guys ha ha .. I mean Ahum! , it's very nice to meet you" Stammered Eris, and you could tell that he was a little bit scared

"Are you here to take the academy integration tests?" Asked Adjam curiously.

"Yes I am! How did you know that?" He inquired curiously.

"Well.. Welcome to the squad. Everyone here came to take the test. A good grade, a lot of money and bonuses, and potentially meeting a handsome noble, who wouldn't like that? " Said Ailil with an Evil smile.

"Seems that every one here has his own reasons to take the test, how about you Adjam?" said Eris

"I just want to go out and see the world, I want to learn about other food..Ahum! I mean cultures and other food from all around the world" said Adjam. And you can see her saliva drooling on the floor .

"You mean other people from all around the world...?" Eris corrected her.

"Oh, yes that too, but mostly eating food" Said Adjam excitedly.

"Ok, well it's so nice to meet you... ,I'm going to rest now ,I'll see you at the test day. Until then, try to not fight a lot..." said Eris smiling to them before he left the room.

"He is pissing me off." Said Ailil while walking in anger.

"Well I think he's cute, we may be good friends after all" said Adjam .

"Well don't count on me for that " Replied Ailil.

The day of the test has arrived and everybody was there. Everybody but Eris ....

"I was up all night doing pushups. I got so tired that I overslept I hope I get there in time "thought Eris to himself while running.

He arrived to find himself last in queue... he was the last one ,after he registered he heard voices and cheers coming out of the arena ,he went to see what's going on only to find a man fighting 3 opponent , and people were yelling Lord Yami ! Lord Yami!

"So remind me guys how did we end in this situation?" Asked  Yami.

"you disrespected us, we the squad of the black rose are highly graded and important and you, not even a soldier took our places at the arena spectator bench, just because you're a noble son. But as you know in the Hashurima army we solve our problem at the arena and you registered to take the academy test which means you are a future solder that give us the power to challenge you in the arena" said the men

"Well I told you guys I was invited here ... those places were given to us. We didn't take it by force, and I will voluntarily give you my bench if that will avoid me your trouble "

"Too late for that, we are already in the middle of the arena, there is no coming back" said the men.

The men attacked Yami and he start to dodge their attacks without even getting his hands off of his pockets, which made them even angrier, they pulled their weapons and charge at him all three of them at once, Yami closed his eyes, didn't move from his place and in a fraction of second the men found themselves on the ground and they were all restrained by tight chains around them.

"What was that!?" asked one of the man incredulously.

"Is this a spiritual weapon!? But how can that be possible?" said one of the men.

"He is not even a soldier. How did he get a spiritual weapon, and a strong one like this one? This is at least a third level spiritual weapon" the man again.

"I told you I don't like trouble, but now I have to end this "Replied Yami nonchalant.

The 3 men were projected in the air and out of the arena and Yami start moving out of the arena mean while all the spectators were yelling Yami's name.

Eris was so hyped from what he saw ," so there is strong people like him who will participate in the academy test. He must be a strong opponent and a valuable ally. I wonder what kind of strong people I'm going to encounter " Thought Eris excitedly.

Eris then got back to the queue where he was supposed to be at the first place in a hurry and made it just in time for his turn.

"This test will measure your performance on the battle field, a good soldier must learn how to adapt and overcome the situation, no matter how hard it is. " The examiner emphasize each word to make himself clear.

The test was about a race that starts with climbing a very long wall, then, jumping from tree to tree to finally swim for a mid-long distance. Eris didn't had trouble with this exam since he grew up in the forest, he used to swim every day with his brother Jhin and trees were his favorites spots to hide from the village kids that kept harassing him, he was able to finish 4th at the first test.

The evening he got back to the hostel, he encountered Ailil and Adjam. The last one seemed pretty depressed

"Why do you look so sad Adjam?" Asked Eris curiously.

"Let's just say that muscle is not my strong point" replied Adjam with a sad face.

"I see, but there is nothing to be sad about. Its only one test and there is 3 more. I'm sure you're gonna do fine for the coming ones. How about you Ailil?"

"He He ! I actually got second place ,I am the strongest girl in this city" replied Ailil with an arrogant smile.

"Really, I didn't notice you and I ended at 4th place" said Eris with a laugh.

Adjam start laughing which made Ailil angry

"Are you calling me small Eris , because I'm going to punch you in your face !" said Ailil in a loud voice

"I didn't mean that Ailil, I'm sure that I just forgot, I think I'm going to my room and get a rest for now, I'll see you tomorrow " said Eris while running to his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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