The note

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I take the note out and read it and instantly find myself smiling from ear to ear.
"I lied you did see them first"
I look into the bag and there they are. The most beautiful set of heels I have ever laid my eyes on. Now getting the chance to really look at them I've fallen in love with them even more My mother would have really loved these.
I look back at the note and I realise he left his phone number at the bottom.
Did he feel what I did? Did he forget to breathe too?
I find it hard to even imagine that someone as handsome as a guy like him would want to give a girl like me his number.

I didn't even realise I was smiling all the way home until I walk past the mirror in the hallway and catch a glimpse of myself.
I can't seem to get this stranger out my mind.
Analysing every small thing I can remember about him.
His brown eyes were something I've never seen before, they was so light and full of life. The green spots made me want to stare at them forever.
His hair was thick and ruffled on the top of his head in a messy but put together kind of way.
The smell coming off his dark grey jacket was intoxicating, it wasn't an aftershave I think it was just his natural scent but either way it filled my nose and left it tingling.
Should I text him? Is it too soon? What's the rules with these kind of things? What should I say?


Seems simple enough right? I set my phone down and an idea pops in my head... what if he gave me the wrong number? What if he doesn't reply? And if he does what am I even going to say back?
I remember the bag left on my car, how did he even know what car was mine?

"Hey! I was getting worried I wasn't going to hear from you"

When my phone pinged I'm a little embarrassed at how fast I darted across the room smiling like an idiot.

"I have a question for you"

"And I have an answer for your question"

He's witty! I like that.

"How did you know it was me texting you and how did you know what car was mine? I'm just trying to determine weather your a stalker or not"

"That's 2 questions. I just guessed it was you texting me, not many people have my number and the few that do I have there numbers saved so it had to be you and I knew what car was yours because I noticed you when you first pulled into the car park with your music blasting. I'm not a stalker I promise. Or is that what a stalker would say?"

He's funny and now I know how he knew what car was mine I feel a lot more at ease with the situation.
We text back and forth most of the night, I find out his name is Mason, he's in the army and he's being deployed just after Christmas.
I knew it was too good to be true! A beautiful stranger comes crashing into my life and totally takes over every thought in my mind and then gets ripped away before we can even get to know each other. He says he can't sent text messages while he's deployed but he can email and send letters and the idea of receiving letters from him makes me shiver.
It just seems so romantic and old fashioned.
I could see myself writing out letters back and spraying my perfume on the paper so it smelt like me. I eventually fall asleep smiling at one of his funny messages, it's been an exhausting few days.

I sleep in later than I normally would it's almost lunchtime when I actually open my eyes.
I end up scrolling though all Masons messages again and read the whole thing from start to finish. Just as I reach the bottom a new message comes up.

"Hey, this may sound a little forward and please don't worry if you want to decline I will totally understand but I don't have much time before I leave and I would love the chance to get to know you better? I know this nice place in town that's not been open too long and I'd love to take you? Like on a date? If that's ok?"

A date! I've never been on a date in my life!
What do I do or wear or say? I'm in full panic mode at this point and before I know it I'm tapping out a reply on my phone.

"I've never been on a date before what do I do?"

Why did I send that I sound like such an idiot.

"I refuse to believe that a woman as beautiful as you are has never been on a date but I am honoured to be your first ever date. (If you wanted to come that is.)
You don't have to do anything it's just hanging out. Nothing fancy just two people getting to know each other."

"It's true! And I would love to come on a date with you is there a dress code?"

"Really!! I am honoured. If you send me your address I'll pick you up at 5? just casual dress code the fancy dates come later on"

Later on? More dates? Fancy dates? I have to put my
Phone down before the butterflies in my stomach burst out and fill the room but I notice the time and the butterflies soon leave. It's 3.45! I have a hour and fifteen minutes to get showered, dry my hair and get date ready! I send him my address and start running around getting ready.

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