The date

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Pacing up and down the hall I keep checking my hair and make up in the mirror. How have I never been on a date before I'm 25!
Before I have time to panic anymore the doorbell rings and he's here.
I straighten out my top before I open the door, I went for the jeans and a nice top kinda look. Casual. When I open the door he just looks at me without saying a word.
"Wow. You look Beautiful." He eventually says and all my anxiety just blows away.
He offers me his arm and I accept it as we walk towards his car.
We have been talking so much these last few days I feel like I've really got to know him but obviously there's still so much to learn and I want to know it all, I want to know everything I can about him.

We chat all the way to this sushi bar in town, I'm not normally a sushi kinda girl and when I look at the menu I have no idea what anything is.
Mason senses that I'm clueless and orders for me. When the food comes it's almost too pretty to eat the different colours and textures distract me for a second but I soon realise Mason is watching me. Staring at me, analysing my face.
I wish I could hear what he was thinking.

We laugh and flirt all evening and really took our time getting to know each other.
He's so funny and charming but I think the thing I like most about him is his honesty, he's brutally honest and after being surrounded by Liars growing up it's refreshing to be able to take someone as I see them.
I feel like a little girl with a playground crush.
Before I realise the time the sushi bar has closed and we're walking down along the sea front back towards the car. It's absolutely freezing but when we get in Mason throws the heat on and we just sit there talking and star gazing for hours.

By the time the sun comes up my stomach is tight  and my face hurts from laughing and smiling so much. How have I found this perfect man? He's a few years older than me but we both want the same things in life, goals, career aims and want the same number of children, 3 is the magic number for us both. Not that it's even anything close to that right now but even just having that conversation was so easy with Mason.
This has been the best date of my life. Well the only date of my life but if I never have another date again I won't care. Nothing is topping this. Amazing food, amazing company, star gazing, staying up all night long just talking a laughing and connecting and then watch the sun rise together with a hot coffee we got from the old coffee shop on the sea front.

Walking back up to my front door as Mason drops me home again I get a knot in my stomach like something bad is going to happen. Every single time I have had this knot I have never been wrong. The last time I had this feeling my mother died and I've had enough pain lately to deal with anything else.
I turn to Mason and thank him for the amazing date and he kisses me on the cheek and then on my hand and heads back to his car. I watch as he walks away because of the feeling in my stomach I just want to take him in incase he ghosts me or something after this.
The last 12 hours have been such a whirlwind. I replay the different moments that flash back as I get undressed into my pjs. I know it's the morning but I've been awake all night and I need sleep.
It doesn't take me long to drop off and for the first time in a long time I fall asleep happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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