The next day

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Waking up to the bright sun bursting though the blinds normally starts my day on a good note but today it's just not the same. I just want to screw my eyes shut and hide under the duvet again like I have been for the 7 days. Getting that call telling me my mother had died was not what I was expecting when I picked up the phone last week. I don't know what broke my heart more the call it's self or standing in church yesterday saying goodbye to such a sweet soul and hardly anyone came and the few that did I didn't really know.
She wouldn't want me to lay in bed again all day. She would burst in with her beautiful smile and the smell of pancakes would fill the room. She always made me pancakes if I was sad when I was little.
My mind almost a tricks me into actually thinking I can smell them.

I'm up showered and dressed and nowhere to go but I can't stay in this house all day it will drive me crazy. I haven't been back home in so long I can't remember what there is to do round here. Before I end up just crawling back into bed again I grab my car keys and head out the door.
I find myself just driving around for a while blasting my music to cancel out the voice of sadness in my head.
A little row of shops catches my eye. The car parks small and there's loads of spaces right near the doors of the shops so I pull in.
The ice winter breeze rushes my face as I get out the car and rush off inside the coffee shop.

Vanilla latte to keep my hands warm I take a closer look at all the little shops In front of me and I decide the best thing to try cheer me up would be a new pair of shoes. Every girl loves a new shoes day. The store was small and narrow but I almost instantly see the most beautiful pair of white heels. They remind me of my mum I need to get them. As I get closer I see the sun shining off a little silver stripe going up the heel to the top of the shoe. They are beautiful. But as I reach out to grab them someone picks them up. We both grab the shoe and as I look up to see who is trying to take these from me and I forget to breathe.
I'm not normally one to trip over myself over a guy but the way his light brown eyes looked at me it had my lungs about ready to explode
He was tall and I've never seen anyone with such light brown eyes I think there's even a few green spots in there. The stubble on his face was so light it really suited him but I get the feeling a full beard would be too much. I can feel my heart beat in my hand where he is touching it ever so slightly and suddenly I realise I'm just starting at him without actually saying anything.

"I'm so sorry but I need to get these"
His voice is so beautiful. It's deep and husky yet soft, how can someone look and sound so perfect?
"Ah I see them first...I need them" is the first thing I manage to actually get out of my mouth.
"I'm sorry but if I don't get these my sister is going to kill me, she asked me to come and get them yesterday but I couldn't make it and I told her I already got them. And I'm sorry but I definitely set eyes on them first."

He seemed panicked about the whole thing and it was adorable plus the shoes were a little out of my price range anyways so I just let him have them.

After walking around the few different stores and finding some nice bits I find it has taken my mind off my mother for a while. I'm not sure if it was the shopping or the beautiful stranger I ran into but I feel just a fraction better now.
Walking over to my car I think about getting another coffee to take back with me but I notice a bag hanging on my car door.
I look around and no one is around me and there's no one even parked anywhere near me.
The situation makes me nervous so I grab the bag and jump in the car and lock the doors.
The bag is bulky and as soon as I look in I find a note.

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