Chapter 3

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The boats went into a cave below the castle and stopped at a dock. The Giant was the first to get out of his boat and helped the students gradually out. The boy with blonde hair across from the girls stood up a bit too quickly. He lost his balance and fell with a loud splash backwards into the black lake. Most people were shocked and some even laughed as his head came back to the surface. I was the first to regain my composure and helped him out of the water. The boys soaking clothes wet the ground and he looked extremely embarrassed, so I refrained from making a sarcastic comment that was on the tip of my tongue.

''My my, ev'ry year...'', The giant mumbled '' Don' you worry, McGonagall's goin' ter fix it.''

''That could totally have been me'', I whispered to Marlene and Katy, ''things like that always happen to me.''

''Good thing that he fell first, saved you the embarrassment'', the other boy from our boat who seemed to overheard me said quietly.

We all followed him through a corridor to a marble staircase. A witch in emerald-green robes was standing on top of it. She had a strict look on her face but her eyes were soft. I couldn't understand how someone could look strict and soft at the same time, but hat woman did.

''Of course, someone always manages to fall into the lake. Mr. Collins!'', she said and picked the blonde boy out of the crowd. With a flick of her wand, he was dry again. ''Welcome to Hogwarts,'' she now addressed all of us. ''The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room. The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor. The sorting will begin in any minute, please line up and follow me.''

As she finished a large double door opened. All students did as she told and walked in a line through the door.

The Great Hall was breathtaking. I couldn't find another adjective to describe it. Long tables full of students stretched through it, burning candles floated in the air but the best thing was the ceiling. It mirrored a night sky full of stars.

On the podium before the teacher table sat an old brown hat on a chair. My brother has already told me what the hat does, so I wasn't as nervous as some other first years looked.

Professor McGonagall took out a list and started to call the students names in alphabetical order.

''Marlene Anderson!''

Marlene stepped toward the chair and put the hat on her head. It was far too big for her, so it slipped over her eyes. After a few moments, the hat cried loudly,


Marlene smiled happily. The Gryffindor table broke into cheers as the brown haired girl walked off to sit down.

''Charlotte Sophie Avery!''

A girl with long black hair went forward to put on the hat. Without any hesitation the hat said,


As she walked to the Slytherin table, I caught my brothers' eye and he smiled which had a calming effect on me.

Next the boy who fell into the black lake was called Noah William Collins he was sorted into Gryffindor like Marlene. More and more students were called and I got nervous as McGonagall reached the L's. A boy named Chris or something got sorted into Ravenclaw and then it was my turn.

''Elizabeth Alicia Montague!''

I approached the chair silently and put on the hat. It instantly started to talk in my head.

''Oh, I see, I see, another Montague. Your family took their places for great achievement in Slytherin, as well. You would do good there, too. But you are quite intelligent and there's plenty of courage. That better be...


Stunned I sat there on the chair, not daring to stand up cause I couldn't yet trust my legs. As the Gryffindors started to cheer I finally stood up and walked down the stairs. My feet carried me to the bench where I sat down between Marlene and Katy, who got sorted into Gryffindor as well. It didn't really surprise me that I wasn't in the same house as my parents, but I was just afraid of how they would react. The best that could probably happen was that my father won't remember to ask and just keep ignoring me.

''Lizzy, I'm so glad we're in the same house'', Marlene said enthusiastically.

''Yeah, I'm happy that I'm here with you two, too.'' I said still a bit distracted.

Dumbledore began a speech about the rules, something like a forbidden forest and introduced a new teacher. I probably should have paid a little more attention to the rules, but it didn't seem to be to many things. At the end he announced the feast would begin and the empty plates filled itself with various delicious food. The sight of food made me relax so I started to fill my stomach.


With a mouth full of smashed potatoes, I looked up to see who had called my name. A few seats away were the two redheads from platform 9 ¾ looking at me.

''Oh you remembered my name'' I said slightly annoyed.

They ignored it and stated, ''You're in Gryffindor now and that means-''' ''-that you either have to be friends or worst enemies with the great mischievous.''

She chuckled, ''And who should that be?''

''Us of course'' they chorused.

''We'll see about that.''

''Do you know them? They seem at least one year older than us.'' Katy asked suddenly.

''Not really, I just met them on the platform.''

We all finished our meal and followed a blonde prefect out of the hall. I was certain that I wouldn't remember the way through all the corridors and up the staircases. With my poor sense of direction, I would hardly find the way to any of my classes. We finally reached a portrait of a funny looking old lady that swung to the side as the prefect girl said the password.

The common room was filled with sofas and chairs around tales or fireplaces. The fireplaces spread a comfy atmosphere which already made me feel more homey than my parents house did.

I was tired so I climbed the stairs to the girls' dormitory and found myself in a room with four beds. Marlene entered the room behind me and excitedly jumped on one of the beds. Ten minutes later all the beds were occupied and there wasn't much talking because everyone was tired from the eventful day.


sorry, this chapter is kind of short.

vote and comment if u want<3

Word Count: 1.2k

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