Chapter 5

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Five days had already passed at Hogwarts and the weekend drew nearer. Friday evening Katy Marlene and I sat at a table in the common room with the twins a friend of them named Lee and a boy from our year, James Grey. Gred Forge and Lee had hung out with us after classes almost every day. I really started to like them. They could never stay serious and added their sarcastic comments to every topic. James was my project partner in herbology. He had been quiet at first, but we got along very well right away.

While the girls and Lee had to do their potions homework, I watched the twins curiously as they talked in hushed voices about some piece of parchment. It had to be something important, or they wouldnt be so excited. I decided to just ask them.

''Whats the matter with that parchment?''

They looked up at me, both caught off guard. ''Er nothing special.''

''You cant be so excited about nothing special,'' I said.

''Well alright well tell you later, but not here,'' Forge said gesturing around the room.

I had always been a curious person and was about to drag them out of the common room so that they could tell me straight away. However, a voice stopped me.

''Fred, George have you already signed up for quidditch tryouts?'' a person said behind me.

I turned around to see a beautiful dark-haired girl. I recognized her, it was the girl my brother talked to in Diagon Alley. But it was not the girl that caught my attention, it were her words which were directly addressed to the twins.

Realization hit me.

''YOU TWATS!'' I screamed. ''Fuck - how - a whole week,'' I sputtered.

The twins looked at the girl accusingly. ''Angelina! You ruined it!''

She was so confused, that she didnt know what to say for a moment. ''Did you not wanted them to play quidditch?'' she then asked.

''Nooo, they made me believe for a WHOLE WEEK that their names were Gred and Forge,'' I said unbelievingly.

''Ohhh, yeah that suits them,'' she said in realization and chuckled.

The twins who seemed to have gained their composure again laughed now. ''You must admit that it was a genius idea.'' ''-Yeah, and you believed us for five days.''

I punched both of them but had to laugh as well. It was really a genius idea.


I walked along a corridor after my brother sent me a note this morning to meet him on the grounds. I hadn't talked to him for a few days now and was eager to tell him about my first week. However, I left my common room about half an hour ago and still hadn't come near the grounds. I didn't know where I was and just took random staircases down till I got to the first floor. It was still September and therefore quite warm outside.

''There you are. Took you long enough,'' I heard my brother saying from outside the door.

As I stepped outside, I saw that my brother wasn't alone. Adrian, from the train was with him. I greeted them and we talked about the previous week, our classes and the new friends I made.

''Oh, and I met that girl you like,'' I said teasingly to Graham.

''Whoo?'' Adrian asked curiously.

''A girl we met at Diagon Alley, Angelina,'' I answered, ''That black haired girl you were looking at like you were a sheep, remember?'' I then teased Graham.

''Oh shut up, I don't like her. Look I brought you something,'' he quickly changed the topic.

I wanted to protest but he pulled something from behind his back that made me shut up. I really didn't know why I hadn't noticed it before. It was my broom. My mood immediately became brighter than it had already been before.

''Kept my promise that I'd sneak it in for you. Now practice, so that you get on the quidditch team next year.''

''And dont let it be seen by any professor,'' Adrian added.

''Thank you soo much,'' I hugged them both. ''I have to find a place to hide it now.''

''Yeah, were going back to our common room if thats okay,'' my brother said.

We split up and I went down to the quidditch pitch wanting to fly a bit before I would return to the castle. The quidditch pitch was beautiful. It smelled of freshly mown grass. I quickly mounted my broom not noticing a person entering behind me, watching as I flew circles and loops. The feeling of the air swirling through my hair felt great and the Silver Arrow immediately followed every slightest command.

''Care to play a little game?'' A Scottish accent pulled me out of my own little world.

I looked down to the grass and saw a boy looking up at me. As I stepped on the ground again, I realized he had to be about four years older than me and was nearly ten inches taller.

''Yeah, why not. Who are you?''

''I'm Oliver Wood, keeper and captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team,'' he said proudly.

''Oh really, so can I score a few goals on you?''

''We'll see if you can even manage it,'' he said and winked at me.

Playing with Wood was really fun. It reminded me of how my brother and I used to play together to escape our house. It was the only thing we were allowed to leave the house for without our parents. Wood was a great keeper, well, otherwise he wouldn't be captain, but I managed to score a few times. At first it was really hard but I kind of got used to his habits.

We played so long that the sun already began to set when we decided to go back to the castle.

''You were pretty good, certainly not as good as me, but why dont you tryout for the team?'' he asked.

''I would, but unfortunately, Im a first year. Im not even allowed to have a broom,'' I laughed.

''Ohh but you will try out next year, will you? And how come you have a broom then?''

''I wanted one. Still need a place to hide it though,'' I said warily.

''You could maybe put it in the broom cupboard in the locker rooms. I think no one would notice since there are so many brooms,'' he said thoughtfully.

Said, done. We hid my broom and made our way up to the castle. I had missed dinner again and regrated it deeply. On the way up to our dorm we met the twins and Lee with their hands full of snacks from the kitchens. Merlin, I loved these boys.

We loaded all the food on a table and sat around it on a couch. Wood decided to stay with us first and second years, so I introduced him to Katy, Marlene, James and Angelina, who joined us as well.

We sat there for hours talking joking and stuffing ourselves with the delicious Food. Many students were doing last minute homework for tomorrow. They were annoyed because of our noisy conversations, well- we didn't really care. I was glad that I did most of my homework the same day we got it. Our whole group stayed awake way too long, we were the last ones to head up to our dormitories.


So we met Oliver today°^°

It's kind of short, sorry

vote and comment if u want:)

Word Count: 1.25k

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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