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A/N That video on the side/top is a video I took with my phone when I went to the WJC Exhibition Game this year...If the quality isn't too good i'm sorry in advance... <3

Angie's POV

I get to Josh's billet family's house without any troubles. Josh is leaning against his car waiting for me with his bag on the ground on the snowy driveway. He looks up once he sees my car pull up. I park on the street before getting out of my car. I grab my bags from the trunk before I walk over to him smiling, "ready?" he asks me wrapping an arm around my shoulders, "ready as i'll ever be" I reply smiling at him. "Could you hold this?" Josh asks me handing me his hockey sticks, "sure" I say grabbing them as he throws his hockey bag over his shoulder with his arm still around me as he guides me to the front door. I snuggle into his side as we walk to the door, "are they going to like me?" I ask him, "they'll love you Ange, I already told them about you" Josh replies smiling at me, I nod and bite my lip.

We walk into the house together, "I'm home" Josh yells, I hear footsteps and running. First I see the puppy try to jump on Josh, I laugh as I watch. Then I see a preteen boy walk into the room, he has dark brown hair and bright green eyes. I smile at him, "hey Blake, this is Angie my girlfriend" Josh tells him before dropping his bag and picking up the puppy easily. "Hi" I say waving at him, "Hey, so your the one Josh hasn't stopped talking about these past few weeks" he says to me smiling, "I guess so" I reply shrugging as I look over at Josh which is playing with the puppy. Josh smiles at me, this makes me relax a little and look at Blake again, "so how old are you?" I ask him, "12" he replies, I nod, "cool" I tell him. "How old are you?" he asks me, "19" I reply smiling at Blake as Josh's arm comes around my waist, I look over at him and he kisses my head. "Ewww, stop with the mushy stuff" Blake says, Josh rolls his eyes at him and we watch him walk away.

Josh suddenly throws me over his shoulder making me squeal in surprise as he runs somewhere. I hit his back, "put me down Josh" I say, "nah I like this" he replies and I can tell that he has a smirk on his face, "humph, I don't like you right now" I explain, "that's not true Ange" he says to me and he gently throws me onto a bed. I look around the room and I realize that we're in Josh's room, I sit up and look at all the medals and trophies, and the framed Jets jersey from the draft. I stand up and walk over to the jersey in awe, I touch the frame and trace around it with a slight smile on my face. Some arms come around my waist from behind and Josh puts his chin on my shoulder, "Did you bring all of these things from home?" I ask him leaning back into him, "yeah, I like having all the reminders of how far I've come" he replies to me kissing my temple softly. I turn around in his arms so that I'm facing him, "where's the gold medal?" I ask smiling, he guides us to one of his shelves, he unwraps his arms from around my waist and opens a box bringing out the World Junior gold medal. Josh kisses it once before putting it around my neck, I look down at it smiling, I take it in my hands running my fingers over the grooved metal. Josh wraps his arms around my waist again bringing me close to him, he kisses my forehead making my attention move back to him. "This medal is fantastic" I tell him smiling, "yeah it's alright but you know what the best thing is that I got from the tournament?" he asks me, I shake my head, "you" he replies making me blush, "you are so corny Josh" I tell him shoving him gently, he laughs at my reaction before replacing the medal in the box. 

I drag Josh over to the bed and I flop down on it looking at the ceiling. Josh's blue eyes come into view as he looks down at me. "What?" I ask him, "nothing, you're just gorgeous" he replies like it's no big deal, with a smile on his face. I hide my face in my hands so that he can't see my blush, Josh takes my hands away from my face, I bite my lip as I look up at him. "Scoot over" he tells me, I do what he asks and he flops down next to me bringing me into his side. I bring my finger to his chest and trace shapes gently, Josh kisses my head making me look up at him, he smiles at me and runs his fingers through my hair. We just lie on his bad for the rest of the afternoon catching up and watching movies together.

A/N I know that this is short but I sort of ran out of ideas at the end of the chapter, I hope you guys like this chapter anyways!! :D

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