[20] - 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭

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NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND. The Avengers were going to look for their friend whether he was dead or alive.

They looked through the rubble. Wanda did most of the work, lifting debris with her telekinesis. She was determined to find out the fate of her lover, hoping that just maybe he survived this.

Sam was looking through rubble himself, and was shocked to see the sleeved arm of a body under debris. It looked like Specter's tactical suit, and Sam quickly ran over to it.

He lifted the debris, and saw Y/N's back. He moved over more of the debris and cautiously flipped him over. He checked for a pulse, which he had.

"I found L/N! He's alive!" Sam spoke into his comms.

Everybody was relived, especially Wanda. She was afraid she'd lose somebody she cared for yet again, but thankfully, it wasn't the case this time.

She was able to be with Y/N again.

• • •

Y/N WAS IN THE MEDICAL WARD, laying on a bed. Dr. Helen Cho had treated him, but was very surprised by how minimal his injuries were.

He had been there for some time now, eyes barely open in a semi-woken state. A young woman came into the room, and upon turning towards the door he realized it was Wanda.

Y/N smiled.

"Môj drahý (My precious)." He greeted in Sokovian, the language Wanda has been trying to teach him for the last month.

"Nevieš, ako som rád, že ťa vidím." Wanda went up to him and caressed his cheek. Y/N didn't know what she said, and chuckled.

"I think it's time for me to try Rosetta Stone."

Wanda laughed and translated what she said, "You don't know how happy I am to see you."

She planted a kiss on his forehead. He grabbed her hand and held it.

"I thought I wasn't going to see you again." Y/N paused, "I'm sorry I made you go through that."

She ran her fingers through his hair, "Don't be sorry."

Steve and Vision stood idly by. The couple noticed them by the door.

"How are you holding up, son?" The Captain asked.

"Pretty good, considering a building fell on me."

"It's an anomaly, really. A detonation like that would have killed any normal able body." Vision remarked.

"Thanks, Vis."

Steve looked at Wanda, "Romanoff was asking for you. But I could tell her you're busy if..."

"No, it's fine. I'm on my way."

She gave Y/N another kiss, and left the room. He smiled as he watched her walk away. Steve grinned as well.

"We're all glad you're okay, Y/N. Just..." Steve shrugged, "...give a heads up before you choose to sacrifice your life or whatever."

Y/N laughed, "Of course, Captain."

• • •

SPECTER HAD SLEPT FOR A FEW HOURS. He was opening his eyes upon hearing Helen Cho knock on the door. The doctor entered, and he smiled.

Cho looked around, confused. It's as if she was looking for something.

"Helen?" Y/N quietly asked.

She looked at the bed, but didn't see anybody there. She quickly ran out to inform others.

"What...?" Y/N muttered. He then looked down at his hands, and saw that they were transparent.

He was in shock, he looked down at the rest of his body and saw that it was the same thing. Everything was see through, as if he was an apparition.

"Oh my god...oh my god..." He kept muttering.

He got up from the bed, but was suddenly beginning to float up. His invisibility deactivated, and was now in his normal form. Helen ran in with two other staff members and saw Y/N on the ceiling.

"Y/N?" She called out.

"Helen!" He reached out, but a light orange beam shot out of his hands. The doctors ran out of the room to avoid the blast.

Y/N looked down at his hands in awe. He didn't know what was going on. He couldn't control whatever he had.

Y/N rested his hand on the ceiling, but it began to phase through it. He brought his hand back down and stopped himself.

Suddenly, he stopped levitating and landed on the floor. Wanda ran into the room and saw him on the ground.

"Stay back!" Y/N cried out, but a beam of energy shot out of his hand. Wanda quickly formed a force-field and blocked the blast. The young man looked down on shock, he didn't mean to do that.

He crawled towards the wall and leaned against it, "Don't come any closer!"

Wanda didn't listen and eased her way towards Y/N. He kept pleading for her to stay away, afraid of what was happening and of hurting her. He tucked his knees near his chest and started crying into his hands.

Wanda went over and sat next to Y/N. He embraced him and let him rest his head on her chest, the witch running her hands through his hair.

"It's okay...it's okay." She softly spoke as he cried.

Doctors and other staff looked into the room, confused on what was happening.

Wanda could feel something from within Y/N, and as if there was different aura on him. She knew that feeling, from when she first was exposed to the Mind Stone back during the HYDRA experiments. Except, this wasn't the Mind Stone.

Within Specter was the energy of the Soul Stone. The atmosphere of Vormir was rich with energy from the Soul Stone, and that combined with radiation from the portal exploding altered Y/N's DNA.

Wanda sensed this. Like her, an Infinity Stone had given him abilities. She remembered how scared she was the first time she acquired hers, and knew that Y/N would be too.

He wasn't going to be alone though. Pietro was there with her when she was scared, and now rest of the Avengers will be there for Y/N. She will be there with him too.

They will get through this together.

• • •

This marks the end of Book 1. Thank you for the ongoing support! I'm currently working on the second book, which I plan on publishing very soon.

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