[7] - 𝘱𝘢𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘴𝘩

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IT WAS AN EVENTFUL last 24 hours.

There was a bombing at the signing of the Accords in Vienna, killing King T'Chaka and several others. The perpetrator was suspected to be Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier.

If that wasn't crazy enough, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson took it upon themselves to talk with Bucky, with the former not wanting to believe it was his best friend. It led to a chase, which involved the German task force and a new powered individual known as the Black Panther. It was none other than T'Chaka's son, T'Challa.

Rhodey went to apprehend them as well, and now Captain America, Falcon, and the Winter Soldier were being held at the Joint Counter Terrorist Center in Berlin.

Y/N was back at the facility with Vision and Wanda, the three being the only ones there while the rest of the team was dealing with the situation.

"A pinch of paprika." Vision read from the sheet of paper.

"A pinch?" Y/N asked, looking at the plate of spices. They were in the kitchen trying to cook. Soft music played from the stereo nearby.

"Yes, a pinch." Vision repeated.

Y/N used his two fingers and a thumb to grab the spice, dropping it into the pot.

"Should be good." Vision remarked.

Wanda walked into the kitchen, seeing the two cooking. "Is that paprikash?"

"We thought it might lift your spirits. Y/N found a recipe online."

"I just hope it turns out good."

Wanda went over to the pot and tried the food with a spoon. The two awaited her feedback.

"So? If it's bad, I'm sorry, I'll order pizza." Y/N said.

Wanda chuckled, "Spirits lifted."

Y/N and Vision couldn't tell if she was just being nice or if it was actually delicious.

"In my defense, I haven't actually ever eaten anything before, so..." Vision remarked.

"May I?" She asked the two of them as she grabbed some spices. They weren't going to interfere, so they handed her the reigns.

Y/N stood by as Vision started rubbing his hands. "Wanda?"


"No one dislikes you, Wanda."

She gave a look, and Y/N chuckled at the sudden statement. He knew that he was just trying to make her feel better.

"Thanks, Vis." Wanda said as she continued with her cooking.

"Oh, you're welcome. No, it's a involuntarily response in their amygdala. They can't help but be afraid of you. I explained it to Y/N."

Y/N crossed his arms, "Yes, he did. In great detail."

"And you? Are you afraid?" Wanda asked the synthezoid.

"My amygdala is synthetic, so..."

That got a laugh out of Wanda, and Vision smiled. He sat on the stool facing Y/N and Wanda.

"I used to think of myself one way, but after this...", Wanda channeled crimson energy around her fingers, "I am something else. I'm still me, I think, but that's not what everyone else sees."

Y/N looked at her, "They choose what they want to see, if they don't want to acknowledge the things you did before Lagos, then that's on them."

Vision nodded. He began thinking of his own body and how it was powered by the Mind Stone in his head.

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