7 - Rose

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"My mother and father are semi-upper class citizens - due to inheritance." The angel rambled on as Kun did his morning training.

Watching him mould shards of glass into weapons and other beautiful shapes grew tedious. It had been over a month since they met and all they had done was go to the abandoned town, get food from the street markets and sit near the wheat fields.

She often complained about how he limited his powers to destroy and make things that were used to destroy. As expected, he either shrugged, grunted or made a snarky response. He was closed - as always - and she was just as persistent as she was when they had first met.

"One of your parents is a Guardian?" Kun asked, dragging the tip of his healing pen down the knuckle of his index finger to his wrist. There was a small cut but it wasn't deep enough to bleed.

Normally, he wouldn't care but the mention of high ranking Light citizens had the hidden curiosity inside of him crawl out. If he was to give her enough attention, he could get some sort of raw information instead of the sugarcoated version provided by the Light government.

"No. My mother was an Archangel and my father is the General of the Royal Guard. My grandmothers were Guardians before they passed away." She shrugged.

"Royal Guard?"

"You don't listen."

Kun turned to her with a dark glare. He placed his hands on his hips and frowned. "Continue. I'm listening."

"No. That's enough for today." The angel grinned and rose to her feet. "I have to leave you early. I've got plans at home."

"Oh." Kun said. He was slightly disappointed but he masked the expression to create a rather blank look. If that was how things had to be, who was he to change it? It was her life after all. They were just acquaintances.

"See you tomorrow, then?"

The angel shook her head. "We won't see each other for a while."

She picked up a dead rose and placed it in Kun's hand with a folded piece of paper. "We might meet again once you're able to do that."

She sent him a small wave as she stepped back before turning fully. Without a word from either of them, she disappeared behind the broken gates to the field - most probably heading to the airship station. She didn't take the route they normally took.

Whatever was going on back in her home territory must have been serious.

Kun looked down and held each object in either hand. He unfolded the small piece of paper and scrunched his brows while reading the message.

'Try reviving the flower. Your damage techniques are strong but your healing abilities need work. This should help.'

Kun's lips tugged into a small smile as a warm feeling erupted deep in his chest. He quickly cleared his throat and frowned. It wasn't necessary for her to give him a task like that. He didn't need to improve his healing abilities. They were perfectly fine!

He raised his arm to lean on the wall and felt a sharp prickly object push into his palm. With a frustrated hiss, he retracted his hand and muttered profanities as blood dribbled down to his wrist. He was about to take out his pen when the words written on that piece of paper washed over his mind. Did she really think he was weak?

"I don't need a pen." He tutted. "I can heal myself!"

He raised his hand up and let out a sigh. He slowly bent his fingers and clenched his jaw, waiting for the results to show itself. To his surprise - and annoyance - the injury did not heal but worsened. The wound did not go any deeper but the length of the cut expanded, releasing even more blood.

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