3 - Secrets

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"You're back late." A wolf hybrid said when Kun closed the door to their house. He kicked off his shoes and sighed.

"Rough day, Sicheng." 

"Let me guess," The wolf hybrid muttered. "You either killed someone or saved someone from bleeding to death. You also don't have your water flask, so you either lost it or gave it to someone. The thing is, you never lose anything so that can only conclude to the theory that you gave it to someone."

He turned to Kun and smiled in a deriding manner. "Am I right or am I right?"

Kun raised his hand to flick the younger's forehead and his fingers went straight through. He pursed his lips and sighed. "I miss you."

"As do I." Sicheng smiled. "I won't be home any time soon. Not for an eternity." 

"I should have defended you. As your older brother, it's my job to make sure you're protected." Kun said. "I should've taken the blame."

"Hey, do you think I'd allow that?" Sicheng asked, raising his voice. "I won't let you to be tortured by those Light bastards–"

"They torture you?" Kun growled. Sicheng looked away and scratched his elbow. He kept his mouth shut but his brother's intense glare forced him to confess.

"Only if I misbehave, but they don't–"

"I've heard enough." Kun said in a dark tone. "That's all the information I need to burn that place to rubble."

"We both know that won't work." Sicheng frowned. His eyes began to glisten. "They'll say it isn't torture but rather a form of punishment."

Punishment, they said. In the law of the Three Foundations, all prisoners were to be given fair treatment ranging from the way in which they were spoken to and fed, to the intensity of their punishments. 

Over the last seven hundred years, it had been discovered that the prisoners who were resident citizens of Darkness were not treated as well as the citizens of Light. 

They had far more severe punishments, putting them in a state of instability. Because of this, they lived up to the stereotype that had been drilled into the minds of society or - at least - the higher-ups.

"Your abilities," Kun said, changing the subject. "They're still fine, right?"

"Yeah," Sicheng replied. "They work just as well as they did before I got arrested. I personally believe I've gotten stronger over the years." Parts of his body began to fade then return to view then fade once more. 

Sicheng watched the process with saddened eyes and looked up to Kun. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." Kun smiled. "Get some rest while you can. And do not try to break those chains again. It'll only exhaust you." His younger brother nodded and waved him goodbye before the rest of his body faded into the early night's darkness.

Kun was all alone once more. He dragged himself to his room and sank deep into the mattress. Out of all the things he could have possibly done, he did the unspeakable. The unimaginable.

He saved someone's life. He even agreed to meet that nuisance of an angel the following day. He committed acts of good.

What was happening to him?

"I understand murdering a politician from the Light world or stealing from the land's foundation banks," Sicheng hissed

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"I understand murdering a politician from the Light world or stealing from the land's foundation banks," Sicheng hissed. "But falling in love with an angel? Have you lost your mind? That's worse than going for a Mainlander, if not the worst crime you could ever commit!"

He and Kun took a small stroll across a field that ended at a cliff that stood above the ocean. The surface of the ocean was covered with spiked rocks and murderous animals. If someone was to fall from the edge, they'd suffer for eternity.

"Kun." He jogged a bit to be ahead of his brother and stopped in front of him. He hissed slightly, and hovered his hand over the chain wrapped round his wrist. "What else did you do while I was gone?" 

Kun moved aside and continued walking. Sicheng looked over his shoulder and let out a low growl. So much had happened when he discovered his brother had come to the prison. He was beyond infuriated and nearly killed over sixteen wardens. 

His uncontrollable anger had put the prison in lockdown, forcing them not to accept any admissions for six weeks. His psychologist visited him daily and kept him posted on the condition of his older brother.

There was one problem, though. As hard as he tried, he could never get personal information out of Dejun. Sicheng knew Kun told him about his past and all the events that led to why he was in prison and did not mind. It was Dejun's job to understand his patients.

What irritated him was that he wasn't told first. 

Maybe it was the fact that they couldn't communicate with each other daily. Or maybe it was because Kun nearly lost him.

Sicheng couldn't help but feel guilty for committing such crimes. For putting himself in a position that would separate himself from his family and leave some of their souls lingering above him as long as he lived.

"Brother, what is going on with you?" Sicheng whispered. "Why aren't you telling me anything?" Kun stopped walking and beckoned for Sicheng to come to him. The wolf hybrid complied and stood next to his brother to watch the waves crash on the sharp wall of the cliff.

"You'll know in due time." Kun smiled and squeezed Sicheng's cheeks. "For now, all you can do is wait."

"Get back to your cells, you vagabonds!" The warden yelled. The prisoners silently made their way to the main tower. Sicheng and Kun watched them leave and returned to the start of the bridge.

"I'll see you some time later, brother." Kun smiled. He watched Sicheng's body fade into the atmosphere and waited for a few minutes before confirming he had successfully returned to his physical body in his cell.

He looked over the edge of the cliff and watched a vulture swoop into the spikes and grab a fairly large fish. It soared into the clouded sky and swallowed the fish whole.

"The circle of life always intrigued me." He muttered. "Is this what you were talking about, angel? Is this the beauty you sang of?"

 "Is this what you were talking about, angel? Is this the beauty you sang of?"

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