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       Willow waited a few seconds before leaving the restroom. The last thing she wanted was to ruin Boscha's opportunity to better herself all because someone had seen what really was going on. The plant witch knew that as soon as someone found out about Boscha and her hope to change then the three-eyed witch would have no choice but to continue her charade as a bully to maintain her reputation. Willow only had the slightest idea of what would happen if the parents of Boscha found out she had put aside her social status to make amends...

       One more class until lunch and after that two more then school is over. The anxiety Boscha felt during the morning had finally subside into a new feeling of minor nervous butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't help but fidget and aimlessly doodle in class waiting for the day to end. Another class period finally ended and lunch came around in a few minutes, but to the potion witch it felt like hours. The pink-haired witch walked to the cafeteria while subconsciously searching for Willow.

"Boscha. Boscha? Boscha!" 

The three-eyed witch snapped out of her trance and sharply turned around, "What?!"

Skara appeared behind her, "I called your name like five times and even texted you! Were you not paying attention?"

"Whatever," Boscha checked her scroll, "what do you even want?"

Skara just rolled her eyes then replied, "Sheesh, who put frogs in your shoes this morning? You're so snappy today." 

Boscha glared at her friend, "I had a little run in with Wannabe-Witch this morning." She said pointing her thumb behind her in Luz's direction.

"Ohhh... You wanna get back at her later?!"

Boscha didn't want to lie so she hesitated before answering, "No, she's not worth my time."

"Yeah true, anyways this cute boy asked me out last weekend and..." Skara began talking on and on as Boscha and her sat down at their table with the rest of the Banshees in the group.

       The potion witch wasn't listening as Skara blabbered, she just kept glancing over at Willow from across the cafeteria room. Boscha tuned out of the conversation completey and just stared at the plant witch. Willow turned around and made eye contact with the pick-haired girl. The plant witch nervously smiled and gave her a small indirect wave of her hand. Boscha snapped out of it and quickly looked away. Her face began to redden as she still felt that Willow was staring at her now.

"Oh my titan, Boscha were you checking out that cute boy over there?!" Skara said noticing how her friend got flustered and looked in the same direction.

"No! Shut up idiot!" The potion witch snapped back.

Amelia chimed in, "I bet she was totally checking out some cutie! Where is he? Let me see!"

"Ughhh, I wasn't even checking out anyone!!" Boscha groaned covering her face with her hands.

"Is that him right there?!" Skara and Amelia frantically asked as they turned around searching for the supposedly cute 'boy' Boscha was looking at.

       Meanwhile, on the other side of the cafeteria, Willow chatted with her friends. Amity now sat with them joining her, Luz, and Gus. 

"Who were you waving at Willow?" Gus inquired curiously.

"Nothing!" She quickly replied, "Just waving to an acquaintance."

Luz just raised her eyebrows and looked over in Boscha's direction knowingly, "Are you gonna introduce us anytime soon?"

"I don't know Luz, I suppose whenever they're comfortable to come over and say hi." 

"I can't wait to meet them! A friend of yours is a friend of mine." Gus said happily.

Willow began to change the subject, "Anyway, how's your leg Amity?"

Amity looked up from her lap with a surprised face at being invited into the conversation, "It's healing alright, I'm getting the cast removed in two days." She nervously rubbed her neck as Luz drew a little doodle on the bandage.

"That's good." Gus said with a grin, "We can all do something together soon!"

"We should have another sleepover!" Luz excitedly. "Amity do you think you would be able to spend the night at the Owl House next weekend?"

"M-me? Sleepover? Oh yeah s-sure!" Amity stuttered nervously.

Willow and Gus laughed to themselves silently as Luz cheered, "Ok cool!"

       Soon enough the bell rings once more and the friends go throughout the rest of their classes. After school, Boscha rushes home and gets ready for her outing with Willow. She throws on some jeans and a plain shirt along with her grudgby jacket. The plant witch gets slightly delayed by Luz's shenanigans, but manages to get home in time to get ready. Willow puts on a nice spring dress with boots and a light flowery cardigan and heads out.

       The potion track witch arrived at their meet up point early and took a seat against the side of the greenhouse. She summoned her scroll and sent a quick message to Willow. She scouted the area to make sure no one else was around to evesdrop. While she waited Boscha tended to the outside flowers. Willow quietly approached the back of the greenhouse and saw the potion witch fussing about the weeds. The plant witch pulled out her scoll and took a picture of Boscha. She sent it and the three-eyed girl's scroll lit up before her with the notification. That was totally not stalkerish. Boscha saw the picture and quickly casted her scroll away. 

"Willow!" Boscha looked over to where she stood, "You're here!" She said a little too excitedly.

"Well I thought about just leaving you here, but I'm really craving some apple-blood right now." The plant witch jokingly said with a slight smirk. "Someone seems excited to see me at least."

Boscha realized she had been grinning like a fool and quickly tried to play it off, "I'm just surprised you actually agreed to come, you don't really seem like the type that gets out much."

"Is that so?" Willow started  to leave in the other direction, "Then I guess I should go back home." She knowingly teased the potion witch and was sure she would follow.

Boscha walked after the plant witch close behind, "W-wait, that's not what I meant!" She gently held onto Willow's cardigan. "I'll get you all the apple-blood you want, don't be a pain come on!"

Willow faced the pink-haired girl once more wearing a smug grin on her face, "Let's go then." She tapped Boscha's nose and walked ahead leaving her flustered. 

"When did she get this confident around me?" Boscha muttered to herself, "She has me running circles around her, ughh..."

       Boscha walked quickly to catch up with Willow and then the two headed into town. They started to make their way to a nearby stall selling freshly squeezed apple-blood and chatted happily, although it was awkward at first, along the way beside each other. All of Boscha's worries seemed to disappear.

★To be continued!★

Word count: 1186

A/N: I really enjoy writing this story so I'll be trying to update more! Let me know what you all think so far please. Also sorry for ending this chapter so abruptly, next chapter will be better! Thanks for reading, and as always, stay safe.

I hate that I don't hate you (Boschlow fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now