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       Boscha summoned up her scroll and called her friend. It didn't take long for Skara to answer, after the second ring she happily greeted the potion witch. Even with only a good ten minutes of consideration for a plan, Bee had a pretty good idea of what to say and do. She chuckled to herself, 'Maybe my two-faced act might really pay off.' For now, she just has to set things into motion.

"Hey, Boshhh! What's up?" Skara spoke through the scroll happily.

The pink-haired girl let her scroll float ahead of her as she walked home. "Why do you insist on calling me that?" She was immediately sidetracked by the nickname.

"Huh? What do you mean?! It's 'cause we're besties!" The bard witch replied cheerfully.

"Uh yeah, okay Skarrr. Anyways, what did you and the girls do at the party?" 

Her friend giggled at the attempt of a nickname. "We just went around and talked to the upperclassmen, they were pretty boring though. Oh! Apparently someone spiked the apple-blood and Cat got buzzed, so she stayed over at my place. It was hilarious!"

"Oh wow, that doesn't surprise me at all." Althought Skara couldn't see, she sensed the eye-roll in her voice. 

"It sucks that couldn't tag along with us. You should've ditched leaf girl!" The bard witch pointed out, half annoyed and half resentful. "Why didn't you? I know it was something about a bet, but couldn't you have swallowed your pride and left them?"

Boscha let out an irritated groan. "Yeah yeah, whatever. I couldn't just break an oath. Accepting the bet, let alone that grudgby match, meant I already had to swallow my pride when losing against Willow." 

"Oh my Titan, well that's a first!" Skara's laughter made the potion witch's nerves prickle with annoyance.

"And what's so funny?!" 

Skara stifled back her laughs as she responded. "Nothing, nothing! I've never heard you admit defeat nor call leaf girl by her actual name before! Well, there's a first time for everything."

"I wasn't defeated, I just lost!" Boscha angrily pointed out. "I'm not allowed to call her names anymore too, or else I'll lose again..." 

"Different words, same meaning!" Skara cleverly remarked. "What do you have to do to win the bet?"

Boscha thought for a minute, she hadn't exactly gotten to that fine detail. "Err... I- uhm- I have to be nice to her for a whole month..!"

"That's it? The vicious Boscha has finally been tamed to play nice?! Well, I guess you're losing again."

"What!? I can be nice!" The pink-haired girl said with a baffled tone. "Just you watch, you're going to be very, and I mean very very surprised!"

Skara just let out a chuckle. "Of course you can Boscha. Willow is actually a really cool person, from what I heard. Amelia told me about this one time she got saved by her from being eaten by a plant! I'm gonna go tell the girls about this so we can place our bets. Good luck, my bet is on you!" 

"Hmm, okay. We'll have to see about that." Boscha took ahold of her scroll and yelled into it. "Of course I'm going to win this bet!!" 

"Whatever you say Boshh. Bye bestie!"

And with that Skara hung up, leaving the potion witch to laugh to herself. 'That was too easy! Hah!! If only they really knew what was going on!' 

         Boscha went along and arrived home soon affter finishing up her conversation. Although, she was quite curious of why the bard witch didn't continue to bombard her with questions about who she danced with at the masquerade. Maybe she had taken the hint to keep out her love life? If so, then it was about time. 

       The three-eyed girl stepped inside and walked off to her room without a second thought. However, her parents were home. Inside they awaited her return. 


She jumped at the sudden noise, not expecting her dad to be home so soon. "Ah-! Yes, father?"

"How was the ball? Mr. Blight has bragged that it was quite the fuss." He was seated within the living room armchair going over the Boiling Isles paper news. 

"It was quite the event to attend. I spoke with the Blights there, they seemed to enjoy themselves." Boscha spoke quickly without a quiver of fear in her voice, despite her wanting to be anywhere but there beside this man she called a father.

"Am I right to assume that you've kept up our good relations with them?" Her father didn't look up from the newspaper, he simply read on and paid no attention to the girl. 

Boscha nodded firmly. "Yes sir. Mr. Blight is quite fond of me." 

"Ah, good good. You can go now." He dismissed his daughter with a wave of his hand before remembering something. "Oh, and Boscha?" 

"Yes, father?" She turned around and faced him once more. 

"Were you with anyone at the ball?" This time he looked up from his reading and stared into Boscha's third eye. 

Boscha froze for a split second before quickly recovering. "Not anyone in particular. I was with my friends from the grudgby team. May I ask why do you ask?"

"Hmm. Well, Mr. and Mrs. Blight complain of their daughter running off with some strange person. I wondered if you knew anything of this?" He kept his gaze locked onto Boscha's, with icey-grey eyes colder than her's. It was unsettling...

"No, unfortunately I can't say I do. I hadn't seen her since when I first arrived at the masquerade." 

Her father returned to his newspaper with a subtle nod in response. "We're having dinner with the Blights tonight. If you're going out again, make sure to be on time. Wear something respectable. That is all." 

       Soon after that last word, Boscha turned quickly on her heel and dashed up into her room when out of sight. That might've been another close call... Quietly creeping back into her room and shutting the door, the potion witch finally relaxed and splashed water onto her face. The potion witch's nerves made her anxious and nothing seemed to calm her down after a while, so she cast out her scroll again and sent a quick text to a certain plant witch. 

Willow is all the comfort she has...

★To Be Continued!★

Word count: 1056

A/N: I'm kinda being lazy and just putting out the bare minimum of a 1000 words since I don't wanna keep you wonderful people waiting, so sorry in advance if I'm lacking any of my spark. The story is going to be more plot (and character?) driven instead of an aimless slice of life kinda thing. Idk lemme hear what you all want to see happen, and I'll take it into consideration! Thanks for readying, voting, commenting, and following! Stay safe out there. :D

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