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       Willow looked at the pink haired girl sternly without giving anything away. Boscha on the other hand looked distressed and stood fidgety in the plant witch's gaze. Taking hold of her sleeve, Willow pulled Boscha along to the school's giant library. The potion witch dragged behind as they continued to walk down the now empty halls towards their destination. 

"Flowers, couldn't this wait?" She said in a slightly annoyed tone. "Don't you have class right now too?"

"I have study hall right now." Willow simply said and went on without another word.

Boscha stopped into her tracks and the plant witch spun around to face her still holding onto her jacket's sleeve. "Well I have class right now. This can wait." In all honesty, the potion witch couldn't care less about her classes, her grades were nearly perfect compared to Amity's. However, she didn't want to face Willow right now, for fear that she might make a fool of herself again. 

"No, it can't." Willow let go of her and went on walking toward the school library.

The potion witch hesitated to follow. Her nerves peaked at seeing how serious she was. "Ok fine, wait up!" She fell into step beside Willow and peered at her blank expression. "Why are we going to the library? There's people in there."

"They're studying, they won't pay any attention. Wait three minutes before following in after me and then meet me at the medicinal book section." 

"Alright, but-" Boscha stopped, the plant witch had already entered the room before she could finish. "Ugh... I should just leave." The pink-haired girl turned around, but quickly thought against it. "She did say it was important..." 

       Sure enough, Boscha silently walked into the busy library. Just about every student there had their nose in a book, frantically taking notes. The upperclassmen were study cramming for their upcoming midterms. There was a silent murmur coming from them as they whispered out their review under their breath. The librarian was most likely off somewhere restocking shelves with the numerous books. Boscha glanced down nearby bookshelves making sure the coast was clear. Eventually she made her way over to the dark-haired girl who was glancing through a book while waiting.

Willow looked up and slipped the book back onto the shelf, but didn't say anything. The potion witch nervously whispered out. "So what's all this about? It really couldn't wait?"

"No, it couldn't. You've been acting strange since yesterday. I don't know if it's something I did or said, but you've been avoiding me and I can tell that you're bothered by something. Talk to me Boscha."

"I haven't been ignoring y-"

Willow cut in. "You didn't answer my texts, nor did you care to say hi to me when no one was around to notice... Look, if you don't want to talk to me anymore that's fine, but don't just leave me to worry about nothing."

"Well, you are worrying about nothing. I'm just scared of what someone would say if they see us. As for your texts, I'm sorry. I saw them, but I kept getting sidetracked by stuff." Boscha spoke out half-truths, however she didn't know if the girl would buy that. "I do want to keep talking to you, and of course I want to be your friend, so don't worry."

Willow stepped closer and gave the pink-haired witch a hug. "Ok Bee, I'm sorry for overthinking this."

Boscha froze up in her embrace, but tried to relax. "It's okay Flowers. I'm sorry for acting all weird, and giving you the wrong idea." The potion witch felt a stab of guilt for somewhat lying to her, but she figured it was best not to let Willow fret too much about her.

"I probably made this more of a big deal than it should've been. I even made you late for class..." Willow pulled away from their short embrace guiltily.

"No, it's fine. I can get away with skipping most of my classes. Y'know, being the grudgby team captain has its perks. Haha, I could even get away with murder if I wanted." 

Willow let out a chuckle and covered her mouth to stifle her laugh. "Interesting, so do you want to get back to class, or do you want to ditch?"

Boscha made a face of mock surprise. "You? Ditching class? And I thought you were a total goodie-two-shoes!" 

"Hmph! Whatever, I guess I'll just go back to studying-"

"I'm joking, I'm joking! Come on, let's go somewhere else." The potion witch took hold of her hand and led her out of the library.

       They snuck outside the school to the practice fields for grudgby. Once they made their way to underneath the bleachers, they looked for a nice hidden spot to keep watch for any wandering teachers or students that might snitch on them. Boscha asked the plant witch about her classes, and listened to everyword that Willow said full of interest. It was a nice little moment where they just enjoyed the company of each other. 

Eventually the dark-haired girl got up hesitantly, not really eager to leave just yet. "I'm sure my study hall is going to end soon. This was nice though..."

"Oh yeah, okay..." Boscha replied, letting an awkward silence fall between them.

       The potion witch made step closer to her as if to go in for a hug, but managed to make the awkwardness between them even worse. The dark-haired girl just stared at Boscha's open arms in slight confusion, but realized what she wanted a little after. By now, Boscha was a complete blushing mess. 

"Wow, I never thought you'd be the affectionate type Bee." Then Willow burst into a fit of laughter at seeing how the girl turned away to hide her face.

       Boscha, who was now tired of the girl's taunting, said nothing in response, but suddenly pulled Willow into a tight embrace. It was now the plant witch's turn to become flustered. She pressed her face onto the pink-haired girl's shoulder and hid her blush. Gradually, Willow placed her arms around Boscha's neck and allowed herself to be enveloped in the others careful embrace. The hug however, ended almost as quickly as it was started. The two pulled away from each other and smiled nervously. 

"I um- I'll see you later Flowers..." And with that, Boscha ran off to her class.

       Willow starred of after her, with cheeks still warm and pink. The fact that Boscha had even wanted a hug let alone gave her one left her baffled. The plant witch couldn't help but notice the pitter-patter of her heartbeat, and she thought to herself...

'Oh my titan. I think I'm falling in love.'

★To be continued!★

Word count: 1123

A/N: Ugh- my heart! Thanks so much for reading! Stay safe.

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