Ch 18: Picture Perfect Families

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The occupants of 12 Grimmauld Place sat at the oak table in the kitchen in silence. They waited for the return of Arthur Weasley and Harry Potter. Every deep breath, sigh, and sharp intake of air could be heard as they all responded to the creaks and noises of the old house. Hearts thundered in chests, lips were bitten in worry, and eyes tried not to blink. 

A creak of the front door opening caused everyone to shift in their seats and as Harry entered the kitchen he was bombarded by various questions. Everyone wondering the same thing. Was he found guilty? 

"Guys!" Harry yelled over the noise causing everyone to fall silent, "It's alright, they let me off." 

A collective sigh of relief was let out from the table. "Knew you would get out of it," Fred cheered throwing his arm around Harry. 

"Can't be in jail as the chosen one can you?" George added. 

"Leave him be," Morrigan said shooing the boys away, "I take it everything went well?" 

"No, not really," Harry said, "the undersecretary this woman dressed in all pink, she questioned absolutely everything I said. It was a rather close call." 

"Umbridge," Morrigan sighed, "I've been hearing quite a lot about her recently, just try and keep your head down this year. Focus on your studies and try not to run into any murder plots." 

"Not likely," Ron snorted. 

"Morrigan, after the trial Dumbledore left so quickly and I- have I done something?" Harry asked an upset expression overcoming his features. 

"No, Harry," Morrigan said with a sympathetic smile, "Dumbledore's under a lot of stress right now and having to show up at your trial has put him further in the line of fire from the ministry. It's why we're asking you to keep your head down no matter what the ministry does this year." 

"Okay," Harry nodded. 


It was the morning that the students had to return to Hogwarts. Tonks, Molly, and Alastor decided to escort them all to the platform leaving Morrigan and Sirius behind. 

They all crowded around the door ready to go. Morrigan went to Fred and George giving them both bone crushing hugs, "I'm going to miss you too. Stir up trouble for me yeah?" 

"Come on Morrigan, give us a challenge," George grinned. 

She saw Molly preoccupied and leaned in to whisper, "I snuck a few bottles of firewhiskey in your trunks as well as the recipe notes and some more difficult ingredients to find." 

"Wicked," they said simultaneously. 

She moved on to Ginny and Hermione, "Please write to me you two! I need to hear all of the gossip, tell me everything that goes on." 

"We will," Ginny reassured her. 

"Ron," Morrigan grinned, "I filled your trunk with some pastries for the trip, save your money for butterbeer." 

"You're the best Morrigan," he hugged her. 

She finally got to Harry, "Please keep safe. I worry about you, and write to me all the time. I don't care if it's just to bitch about Snape." 

"I will Morrigan. Take care of Sirius, I think you remind him to keep fighting," Harry said sincerely giving her a hug goodbye. 

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